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weasel 108

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Posts posted by weasel 108

  1. Okay, I'll chime in. My full time medic partner and I were on a cardiac arrest. He was attempting to insert the tube, when I noticed that he had the tube upside down with the stylete heading into Pt's throat. All I did was whisper to him that the tube was upside down, Later after the call he thanked me. I did not "save" his ass.

    With some of the EMT's I've seen in my area, the slogan should read "Paramedics save EMT's asses" :lol:

    Oh yea, I will not buy one of those damn t-shirts "Paramedics save lives, EMT's save paramedics". :D

  2. Holy Crapola Batman, if i hear that saying that emt's save paramedics one more time I'm gonna go postal.

    For every emt out there on this site, please please tell me and the entire group here about the medics you have saved.

    I'll let Wynter start since Wynter brought it up.

    Let's give the tired and completely over-used cliche's a rest here. We're all professionals except for Dust, he's in a league of his own.

    Yep, I have to agree Ruff.

  3. I could respond but why.

    I think it's time to work off some of that anger little one. I suggest you go roll some hose, wash and shine the truck, put some more FD decals on your POV and then masturbate over a picture of that new Mack you want your department to buy.

    Shoot I did respond. Damnit.



    :lol::lol::lol: Okay Mr. fireman, your my hero. Does that make you feel better now? :lol:

  4. That is definitely not a secret. In fact, it is such common knowledge that the public uses it against us come budget time. It is the number one reason why we are not yet -- and possibly never will be -- a true profession.

    Only because of the badges, sirens, and Dairy Queen discounts. If it weren't for that, it would be neither a job nor a calling. It would be a profession, just like every other medical service provider on earth.

    Dust is correct again.

  5. I agree here. Also when i go on like cafepress.com to look for EMT stuff it always comes up with more police stuff. I think we are the one that get up at night and get out the ambulance to save someones life that has a general illness, etc. I mean firefighter are important too but we need to get recognized a little more


  6. Anything that offers a paycheck is a profession by definition. If you choose your career by what you can gain, then by all means look at it as strictly a "profession." If you are doing the work that you were created to do, the work that allows you to find that extra bit of value and worth within yourself (not your entire worth and value), work that affords you the opportunity to make a positive impact in this world....THAT is a CALLING, not a mere profession!

    ah crap, here it comes. :roll:

  7. Lets see,, disptached to a residence for a "patient assist". Once inside we find out the patient wanted us to wipe her rear after she took a "dump" Several weeks later, we are again dispatched to same residence for a "patient assist" again we get inside and patient tells us she dialed 911 because she needs her blanket and sheet pulled up to her neck so she can go to bed.

  8. Im going to disagree with the crowd and consensus on this one.

    I wear this belt. Yes I am a whacker, but a whacker with a well educated head on his neck.

    You are in an urban enviroment, as I am. When poking around in the ghetto, I wear...

    -Flashlight (i refuse to use those giant 20 lb maglights)

    -Glovecase (i dont always wear gloves, because you dont always need them)

    -bandage shears (i hate hunting for shears)


    -leather gloves (hand protection for extrication / combative drunken goobers / your local Mc-Dopey)

    Cell Phone



    Only a few pounds, and everything you need.

    I have a small holster with shears (same reason as PRPG),O2 wrench and 2 pens. I also have a radio that I keep it in the leather holder with a shoulder sling ( don't know the technical name, but who cares) :D

  9. Okay I'll admit, I have several of the code 3 collectable ambulances (never took them out of the box and they are in storage in my house). My parents years ago when I was a volley hose monkey, bought me a leather fire helmet that dated from the early 1900's. I still have it in my house. I also had a tear drop blue light that I never used, because I lived two blocks from the fire house. I remember several guys had suction cup blue lights instead of magnetic.

    Now, I leave my house in plain clothes and come home in plain clothes and my personnel gear is in my gear bag. I have nothing on me that identifies me as an EMT when I'm not working.

  10. Well theres your problem.... No wonder you can't afford to go to school... you are volunteering your time when you could be WORKING and MAKING MONEY! I still simply do not understand the mind-set of a volunteer. Now if you are an established person in the community and have made some money and set up a career, I can see why you might want to give back to your community. But volunteering when you can't even provide for yourself!?!?!? This is sheer whackerism that has HERO-complex written all over it. How long are you going to volunteer and take classes before you get all of your school paid for by the dept and they start paying you? Go get a job, learn something new, make some money, pay for your own schooling, and (here's a new concept) EARN yourself a spot somewhere.


  11. its all SS agents, but I dont know about other agencies, it could be for them to but I dont know for sure.

    i appluad you on your work. It seems like alot of the profesionals up here are very snotty, and act like they dont want to be bothered with anything. Up here they start around $14.00/hr., your living in the wrong region.

    But any way I assumed that if your fresh out of highschool, dont want to go to school, and need a job, EMT is a pretty good option. right? from what everyone says it sounds pretty easy to get certified.

    I think the same thing is happening with the local cop occupation. My generation (young, lazy, greedy kids) think that they can go to communitty for 2 yrs, go to an academy and get an easy job as a local cop making good money, and a pension. The problem is that they are partially right.

    lets end this topic here. If anyone has any advice for me im all ears.

    What area are you from and are you talking about an EMT or a paramedic salary ?

  12. LOL! I bet dozens of those were built across the country in the years following the release of that movie. I know a rich kid in Texas who ran motocross standbys had one customised up to look just like Mother's ambulance.

    I hope the original one is in a museum somewhere.

    Dust, remember that sh*tty movie,late 80's. I believe it was called "paramedics". Movie sucked, but the ambulance in that movie was also cool. :D

  13. There are many things out there that are unsafe for us as EMT / PARAMEDICS... tell me what you want to see safer, and HOW if you have an idea....

    Are you talking as far as apparatus safety? :?

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