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Everything posted by Benjie

  1. I know there's a couple schools of thought on this topic (go straight to P school or get some street time first). Most of the medics I've asked, including those on my service's command staff who have an active interest in having more EMT-Ps on trucks, told me that, generally, people who get some street time in before going to p school tend to understand the materiel they're presented with better. I'm sure I could get thru it if I started immediately, but my attitude with my Basic course, and the attitude I'll take into P school is: I'm not here to pass the class, or pass NREMT. While those things are necessary, my chief goal is to learn as much as I can in order to become a more competent provider. Or, phrased another way, to do everything I can to minimize the risk of killing / unnecessarily harming my patients while I gain the experience necessary to become a competent practitioner.
  2. Sup ya'll? I just got my NREMT-B Cert (again) a couple weeks ago and am about to begin gainful employment as an EMT-B w/ a private for-profit. But, by all (most) accounts, a reasonably decent private. Got certified about 10 years ago because Western Kentucky University offered a cert course which qualified for the required Phys-Ed credits and it seemed more useful than bowling or golf. Never did a thing with it and let it expire, like an idiot. Hope to work as a Basic for about a year before starting classes for Paramedic. Just thought I'd stop in and say hey.
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