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Everything posted by newenglandeve

  1. For those wondering about DT4EMS...the program is still active and remains the BEST OPTION for Self Defense in EMS I have personally been able to find. The main goal of the program is to keep you off an unsafe scene to begin with...and if the "safe" scene you are on becomes unsafe, then everything they teach is to get you off that scene and out to a safe place. Then just wait for those nice police officers to show up and deploy some electricity perhaps. Stay safe.
  2. In the City of Worcester, there are two ambulance companies that primarily back up Worcester EMS...Vitals and Medstar. Neither Eascare or AMR provide backup service unless the city has really exploded. Worcester EMS staffs (4) Medic trucks full time and (1) impact truck. If you are looking for good experience and hoping to get some 911 time also, consider MedStar. They not only back up Worcester, but also hold the contracts for the City of Fitchburg and Leominster. Hope this helps, Stay Safe Out There
  3. It's my understanding that police are taught if a threat is within 21 feet, it is safer and faster to draw their tactical knife, than drawing their gun. A person can close the 21 foot distance, before you can actually draw a weapon. How often are you on scene of a medical emergency when you are more than 10-15 feet from your patient? What would the benefit be of carrying a gun if you can't draw the weapon in time? 6-8 feet is the reactionary gap, in other words an assailant can close 6-8 feet on you before you have completely identified there is a threat. This is why I have taken a defensive tactics class and carry a folding knife. Stay Safe Out There. Check out this YouTube video about Reactionary Gap and knife attacks!
  4. This is huge!! The reason it is so difficult to establish protocols for Uncooperative patients is a lack of paper trail! The issue of being assaulted on the job in EMS is just finally getting the attention it needs. For the longest time being "hit" was considered "just part of the job." Keep filing paperwork with both your own agency and law enforcement! Consider checking out DT4EMS' website. I have recently taken this class and I was floored. The program was designed by a Paramedic/Police Officer, that is also a Defensive Tactics instructor. He has simplified defending yourself down to just a few simple principles to remember to help you not get into a bad situation or how to escape a bad situation if you find yourself suddenly in one. Well worth checking it out! Stay Safe out there!
  5. For the spitting, consider asking your agency to purchase "spit hoods". Safariland produces one know as the "Tranzport Hood". These are specifically designed to allow a patient to breath, while not allowing them to spit at you.
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