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Everything posted by nysemtb

  1. Hey -- I was wondering if anyone else on here took the NYS written exam for EMT-B on May 17th? I did and i'm really nervous because I was trying to remember a few of the questions after I got home late that night and already I know of three I got wrong. Which questions did you have trouble with / weren't sure about? There was a questions about what right of way the ambulance does not have, and my instructor told us weeks earlier that the ambulance cannot drive the wrong way down a one-way street, but that wasn't the answer. Apparently an ambulance does not have an absolute right of way. Also I believe it was on the second page, there was a question about your partner taking a blood pressure reading and whether or not you should question his reading based upon the heart rate that was given and other things. At first I put that you should accept it, and then I read over it again and said to question the BP reading because I noticed that his heart rate was "strong" so he wasn't in shock because his heart rate should be weak. But honestly I wasn't entirely sure. What questions do you remember and want to discuss?
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