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Everything posted by Lunno

  1. Yea the board would have been nice but the sand is touch enough too. The CPR was to slow and I wonder if they were instead doing abdominal thrusts which were still used back in those times. I wonder if he coded later but for a while it looked like he was still breathing. If u look his tongue is moving side to side which is the bodies natural response to trying and clearing an airway which is different than agonal breathing. - he was so Cyanotic too. Poor dude. Did anyone catch the stacked shocks?? Old school CPR or was I seeing things, but it looked like they shocked him twice then a pulse check after analyzing. I tried to count the compressions but the video kept moving. - how different compared to now where we have litte down time off the chest. Looked like they were waiting forever for the shocks and pulse checks
  2. Lunno


    Hey guys! I'm 10year medic and field training officer for 6yrs in Nevada. I came across this site doing a bit of research for my student and found the forums here educational and very entertaining to say the least. I'm excited to see what else is within these forums.
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