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Posts posted by Akumida

  1. Yeah, the mindset I have is not a typical alpha-type that's found in this area's EMS systems. I'm fairly meek and non-aggressive. Once I master something, I'm very comfortable (like calculus!)...but since you'd mentioned that about building confidence and all **My problem is that I want to see and work and take it all in. This area has skills taught -first-, but you don't do clinicals or just observe. I don't work for AMR or anything locally, because I'm a single dad of a special needs. I don't have the time to work/school/parent. I can get babysitters for short term, but for working and school, which is 12+ hours for my classmates, that's not quite possible. Is there a place to pick up/acclimate myself with use of protocols and procedures somewhere? Some of the Youtube videos do not seem correct against Indiana's skills sheets.

  2. Hi there! Just wanting to see if it's "proper" to call yourself a "Medic" when you are EMT-B level. Indiana doesn't have the Advanced EMT status yet, and I'm done with cardiology (towards paramedic), but the EMT-BA and EMT-I levels here are going to poof eventually to catch up with the rest of the world. Is it proper to refer to yourself as a 'medic' if of EMT-B status, as I do have all paramedic skills (Just can't USE them outside of clinicals!), and all pharmacology, etc.?

    Our instructor literally calls us 'paramedics' when he introduces us; we have a year until we can graduate, so -something- isn't right!

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