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Everything posted by Dsanders

  1. I apologize for failing to mention a few more details. This venture was presented to me through one of the other co-owners that is a combat medic veteran and worked with another company. I was under the impression that he had everything handled and together. Things were put in front of me with everything sounding like what has been said; get a truck, permit and run. Unfortunately, I was wrong. So this is where I'm at now. I know that I can only blame myself for not doing the research, this is a field in which I didn't know much about and thought it was that easy. I would have done a ton more research and gotten things together before this point if I had any idea, that's my fault. Either way, I am still at the point of just needing one more dialysis Patient to keep the doors open. Then We can restructure to make things right. I apologize for failing to mention a few more details. This venture was presented to me through one of the other co-owners that is a combat medic veteran and worked with another company. I was under the impression that he had everything handled and together. Things were put in front of me with everything sounding like what has been said; get a truck, permit and run. Unfortunately, I was wrong. So this is where I'm at now. I know that I can only blame myself for not doing the research, this is a field in which I didn't know much about and thought it was that easy. I would have done a ton more research and gotten things together before this point if I had any idea, that's my fault. Either way, I am still at the point of just needing one more dialysis Patient to keep the doors open. Then We can restructure to make things right. By aggressive marketing and schmoozing. What is acceptable in this field. If at all possible I could use an example. I am not afraid to talk to people and know a fare amount about sales(bartended/waited tables through college. If you can sale a $40+ entree to someone that will shi*t it out in a couple of hours, you can sale about anything). I am open ears and will take everything I get from your replies to heart, but please refrain from criticizing the lack of forethought we have had. We cannot go back in time and does no good in making this work. Thank you all again for your input.
  2. I am in the Houston area and have an ambulance service that 2 others and myself have put everything into starting up. We want to have and maintain a service that has the best Patient care possible. The problem we are having is getting patients. We have currently been trying to go the dialysis route, but we've only been able to secure one patient. I know that dialysis is becoming a rough route when it comes to getting paid from medicare, we are still trying to get paid from a couple dozen runs. We are just a BLS company that truly wants to be known for the quality of care we provide to our patients. We only have units with bigger boxes and refuse to use van ambulances. We could have started any number of business types, but we wanted something that we could give back with. Unfortunately if we do not get more patients we will not be able to keep running. I personally haven't been able to pay myself in a month just trying to keep things rolling. I'm not concerned about making a fortune, just keeping the doors open and myself off the streets. This is truly a company that wants to provide a comfortable professional service to our patients. So if anybody has ideas or what has worked for them, I'd be extremely grateful. I'm willing to do whatever it takes to get more patients and make this work. I have everything I have invested in this. Thank You all for your time.
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