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Everything posted by kbt111982

  1. Look you are consdering a lot of things even just as far as the militray aspect. You need to decided which branch of the military you are more interested or what to join. As a Navy Corpsman I have done totally different things then the army medics out there. Your EMT-B is a good ground to start with any of the branches will have their own way of doing things just as different agencys will. As far as the GI Bill it is totally worth it, as long as you use it. Too many people out there don't use theirs. Weather you go RN or paramedic that is a decision you will have to figure out. My opinion get your Basic and see how you do and feel. You may realize that the hospital is the place for you not the field. If EMS is right for you you will know it when you start actually practicing. If you go RN get your BSN and go officer. Money and EMS or Military just don't really go together. There are always a few job out there that you can make plenty of money but if that is what you are really looking at you may need to consider a different field. You are going to have to work for several years before you will get to the point that you would even be able to go after those money jobs.
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