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Posts posted by swedemedic

  1. I agree with everyone's posts regarding this sensitive issue - one other avenue to look at is the simple actuality that you are a "mandated reporter". Keeping it within the healthcare setting by forwarding your observations (visual and audio) to the proper command at the home should suffice. You've done what you can in pitching it to the person "in charge" of his ongoing care - after that, the hard part sets in...and you need to have faith in that system and step aside.

    Good for you in being caring enough to be involved.

  2. Sorry all, maybe I'm just older and ornerier....but does anyone else share some level of disgust for members of the opposite sex who just don't understand our desire to do this job?

    Maybe I'm too brash, but when someone goes hunting for a month at a time, yet doesn't want me to continue with my training and goal of becoming a remote-site paramedic, it rubs me the wrong way.

    Is there such a thing as a "happy medium" mate? Someone who's part bad ass and not afraid to say what's on his mind - and not afraid to hear what's on mine? and part human - and not afraid to admit mistakes and move on - and offer the same in return?

    Lord have mercy - what the hell is going on in the world nowadays?

    Just needed to vent - my apologies to DwayneEMTP for getting back on this site per your suggestion - and going right to the "personal" forum :o)

    Thanks for the ear all,


  3. Oh - been there done that. Had Super Bowl with an Army buddy of mine (medic) - we were talking about war stories, where each of our scars came from (hello Lethal Weapon) - and were totally oblivious to those around us until we stopped and scanned. LMAO - no clue.

    Hey Dwayne - thank you....I'm still trying to figure out how they will work the degree as I already have one in LE - hopefully credits will transfer. But my primary goal is training training training. When I was a copper, I was a training junkie - and it served me very well when shit hit the fan.

    Always wanted to be a SWAT medic - but not sure of the parameters in this state. I'm a transplant from Minnesota. It was a medic (Army to civilian) who kept me going after a bad shoot - and he is still my hero.

  4. Good evening everyone,

    Just wanted to say hello - I'm new here and new to EMS. I am a retired police officer - reinventing myself and going into Paramedicine....my second love.

    Take care and stay safe everyone. I look forward to meeting many of you!


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