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Posts posted by medicmidge

  1. Wow. Thanks. Things have been so crazy the last thing I have had time for is the internet, but i'm glad I logged on this morning. Thank you everyone. We'd gotten counseling set up, but then in the continuation of crap, we lost our insurance. So everything's on hold until we can get it again, and we don't know when that will be.

    A lot of what you're saying makes sense. Being too close, and not being a provider at home, especially. I've seen it in other people, from the outside - just not in the mirror.

    Thank you to everyone who's posted. It's very much appreciated.


  2. I feel like I should have caught this a long time ago. My husband recently told me that he has been very depressed and having a LOT of suicidal thoughts. He has bipolar d/o, and he's had a stressful semester. I thought it was his courseload and work schedule, but apparently it's a great deal more. we're working on getting him the help he needs. But I feel like the world's worst wife - I'm in the medical field and I didn't see this coming. Don't really know if I'm asking for help from anyone, or just venting, so... yeah. Still at a loss I guess. Anyone else ever deal with this?

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