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Posts posted by emtdennis

  1. Since I don't see any advanced directives, they don't exist (In NY you have to physically see them).

    As someone said earlier, calmly convince the patient to let you check vitals, since he is actively in distress.

    This is definitley something I would want to get medical control involved in. I only feel this way because the patient is AOx3 and is resisting transport, (unless he goes unresponsive)

    For the sake of our EMT student, what did your instructor think of the answers that were given here? It was pointed out earlier to consider some of your own solutions then come here with them and let members advise you. I personally like to see that you put effort into it on your own.

  2. You know Capt, you are right. there will be no happy medium. Sorry to say that. People think guns should be registered. Why? Any rule that is applied will be to the law abiding citizens and no one else.

    You can have all the rules you want, but nothing will change.

    Look at several of the last incidents we have had in this country. The weapons were legally registered, maybe not to the person who used them in the crime but they were registered. No form of government intervention will change the ultimate use of the weapon.

    You still will have underground or criminal element, that regardless of rules in place will have no regard for safety. Let's outlaw cars, because there are so may accidents. Why don't we outlaw liquor because of the many people killed on the highways.

    This arguement has been going on for over 50 years, and I for one am afraid to put any more control of what I can do, into the hands of the government. JMHO!

  3. Speaking of cpr, what is anyone's thoughts on the "new" process being taught by the AHA? If I understand it correctly it is soo easy to do by the average citizen. I am just not familiar with it yet. Hoping to take lessons within a couple of weeks. There is no certification involved for the average person, but it may at least keep things flowing for the patient til EMTs can get there.

  4. Tough question.

    We can armchair quarterback this, but I am sure there are things that are not said in this article. person was 100 yards away (300 feet). Was the person standing, How was he displaying violant tendancies. Did they try to talk him out of the water. These are just some of the things plus many other we don't know. Just some thoughts.

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