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Everything posted by JMedSim

  1. This is exactly the info I need. Thanks everyone!
  2. Do you think that all or most EMT and Paramedic facilities upgraded their trucks to include longer needles?
  3. Hello All, I recently heard that the ideal sized needle for a needle thoracostomy is 3.25 inches. This hits the pleural space 99% of the time, while a 2 inch needle has around a 65% success rate and a 1.75 inch needle has a 50% success rate. For all the EMT and Paramedics, have you all starting carrying a 3.25 inch angiocath or do you use a different size as a standard. Thanks
  4. Dear All, Your feedback was extremely helpful. Are there any other emergency procedures that you would like to see turned into virtual training simulations? Best, Jacob
  5. If you take the lateral approach, would you still use the 2nd intercostal site for you insertion point? Hi All, I appreciate everyone's responses. I agree that cathether gauge and size are key steps as well as the ability to recognize clogging. In addition, I will do further research on NBDHMT to see their specific guidelines. Is there an easier way to locate the correct insertion site? I am sure that body size, weight, and age play a factor. Best, Jacob
  6. Hello All, I am a medical software developer working to create a comprehensive training simulation in hyperbaric medicine for EMT's and Nurses. One of the many topics in our simulation is the diagnosis and treatment of a tension pneumothorax by performing a needle thoracostomy. I am wondering where in this emergency procedure do EMT students run into problems and in which step do complications arise? For example, is it trying to insert the needle at the correct angle, not penetrating the pleural space, or clogging of the catheter etc? Also, what are the pre-op procedures that an EMT must do before inserting the needle? Any help from those with clinical experience is greatly apreciated. You can contact me by posting on this blog or sending me a direct e-mail at JMintzer.MedSim@gmail.com. Best, Jacob
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