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Carl Ashman

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Posts posted by Carl Ashman

  1. Seems someone got their undies in a wad and gave me a negative. Thank you very much.

    Wendy spoke very well OP to the benefits of going the degree way. Sometimes as a famous qoute says "out of the mouths of babes". Based on age she is a baby compared to many of us old farts here, but often she brings reason to the discussions or even clarifies what others have said in a much more professional way.

    Hear, hear!

    To me, it also boils down to the following, how can you learn to be a proper carer at ALS level in just 12 weeks? It took me 7 yrs and I still get cases that humble and sometimes confuse me after 14 years. Dwayne was somewhat out of line but I do understand his sentiment. He´s right when he says that this mentality is dragging the profession down in the US.

    Glad to be back folks,

    Carl, formerly known as the Welsh Medic.

  2. Hi all!

    A group of colleagues here in Holland have just finished a study into pre-hospital immobilization. It took 6 years and included 3000 patients. The conclusion: there is not one single shred of credible evidence to support spinal immoblization with a c-collar and backboard. In children it is even detrimental due to their size, anatomy and relatively higher risk of aspiration. I believe it's being translated into english, as soon as I have a link,I'll post it here.


  3. Hi all,

    We stopped using Entonox a few years ago when it was linked to foetal abnormalities in the first trimester (I've searched for the link high and low but can't seem to find it). We are now using alfentanyl and/or ketamine for short, sharp analgesia.

    I think I may be getting a little off topic..


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