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Posts posted by CharleeFoxtrot

  1. Welcome, congrats, and send me all the answers. Thanks. :D

    LOL! Well, all I can tell you that comes to mind is to know the difference between hyper/hypocarbia and the whys, know the contraindications for ET tubes, and how to calculate a drip rate. When you take the test, there is always 2 answers you can throw out as wrong immediately. That leaves you with two possibles...look out for "always" and "never" type answers as they are usually the distractors.

    Congrates tracy!! It must feel really good to finally get that done! I wish I was at that point.... still working on EMT-P, but I will get there some day! Welcome to the city, hope you enjoy it like I do! :D

    Thanks...but I wish someone would tell me what to do with all my time now! Been so long studying, doing clinicals, working and trying to have some sort of life that I don't know how to relax!

    Tracy, you didn't say where you were a pending Paramedic.

    All I know is, here in New York City, the order of things is, pass the practical skills test, take and pass the class written final, and that earns you the "right" to sit for the state written test. Pass that, you're golden for the next 3 or 5 years.

    The reason for the discrepancy is, we just switched from 3 years with classes to recert, and a 5 year continuing medical education recert format, and "they" are still deciding who qualifies for which.

    NREMT is a separate test, not given through the NY State Department of Health (DoH).

    (I am a NYS EMT-B, not a paramedic, not NREMT, and am telling you as an FYI.)

    I am in Michigan, and work for a private service now as an EMT-B in the urban decay of Flint. Here, they use the NREMT as the standard. First you must pass an accredited medic class to be eligible to take the NREMT written and practical. You then pay the $$$ to NREMT, test with them (it doesn't matter anymore if you take the written first or the practical) and when you pass they send you the results. You submit those results with your other stuff (ALCS card, etc) to the State of michigan along with more $$ and 4-6 weeks later you get your license to practice. It's a lot of hoops to jump though.

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