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Everything posted by Asblikkie

  1. Amen. As far as the Registry goes. You know the rules going in. Why whine when you don't make it? Adapt your ways to meet the guidelines set. And the answer given at the start of this thread is by far the best. It is a certification agency, not an education center. If you were given your test back you would tailor your retest only on your weak points instead of the whole subject matter.
  2. Fantastic post. Well said. IMHO your only hope would be some kind of national board/registry that raises the bar substantially and sets a four year degree as a minimum requirement. Work yourself into a niche and identify that need with the general public. Blaming factions and other services are not going to help ( it helps fire ). As it stands many people associate fire with EMS, Don't fight it. Make it fight it self. Lobby for higher standards and if they follow suit. Great (it raises the standard and the fire guy will protect his investment with maintaining standards). My feeling would be that many fire dept's would step it up to maintain funding, but many others will not and that will be what the goal is. Now the stage could be set for separate EMS. The key would be a national standard. A crude but maybe good example would be the auto industry. For years the dealers and manufacturers maintained that only they can maintain proper standards ( Fire dept's). The aftermarket industry responded by forming ASE standards. Selling it to the public as a national standard, equal or better than dealers. It essentially killed the dealers in the service industry. Limiting them to warranty work only and the bulk of the high paying work moving to the aftermarket industry. The key is the face you put on it to the paying public. And aggressive standard management.
  3. Very cool!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Just suppose that disaster occurs and he gets to use it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Nice very NICE!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  4. I think it has been answered as well as you can expect at this time. With the info you gave and with your expertise as you described, you have little options. Unfortunately it seems that any thread, with whatever question will be attacked for not being asked by a "professional paramedic" with a four year degree. Of course that statement dumps us back into the whole HVAC for free discussion, but what the heck its all in good fun. Yeah for fire based EMS. (Let the fun begin)!!!!!!
  5. To answer your question: No it would not. If you want the strobe light effect you need the separate control box and strobe lights. If all else fails check the hated GALLS catalog or website.
  6. In that case thank you. I agree and in that sense I do think volunteering is a deed we can do without.
  7. Well said. Now what about paid part-timers? If you paid the vollies $15.00 /Hr per call would that be OK?[marq=up]
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