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Posts posted by penguin_pong

  1. I have a kind of funny story about a kid. Well at least I thought it was funny because I was there.

    My Dad got his appendix out and they inserted a drainage tube in his abdomen. One day I was sitting on the couch with my little brother who was 6 at the time and he had one of those water guns with the back pack to hold extra water and it had a tube on it. My brother held the tube up to his stomach and said "guess who I am?" me, "I don't know" brother, " I'm dad see this is my tube and P-U-S-S-Y is going into it" I just stated cracking up because he thought he was spelling puss he had no idea what he just did.

    Years later the same brother now 13 was telling my brothers friend about the tube.

    Brother "My dad's not fat he just has a beer belly."

    Friend "Okay"

    Brother "One time it got so bad my dad had to get a tube in his stomach to drain all the beer out."

    Friend "Ohh do you mean he had to get his stomach pumped?"

    Brother "No they like cut open his stomach and stuck a tube in it and then all the beer came out in a bag."

    Friend "Really?"

    Brother "yeah that's why he has a hole on his stomach."

    My brother legit thought my dad got a drainage tube to drain the beer out of his stomach.

  2. Good question! My friend asked me last night when would I have to expose people. I'm not an actual EMT yet, but I told her when I probably would and when I wouldn't have to. Then I wondered if people are ever exposed before the ambulance.In class they always told us expose in the ambulance. I always thought it would be more time consuming to do so after being straped especially if your using a KED's vest or something. She also asked so do you think EMS ever look or even judge people. I also thought about that and told her. They are just normal people and there are probably somethings that you can't help, but look at. I know if I saw someone with a Pinocchio tattoo on their penis I would probably look and think WTF! I told her they probably do look,but keep anything to themselves.

  3. What is flail chest?

    What caused it?

    What are your primary short term concerns?

    Longer term concerns?

    Load and go/stay and play? Why?


    Please folks, if you know all of the above answers, please don't ruin it for those that can learn by asking and exploring. We already know you're smart. To the rest that are familiar with this, please feel free to jump into this thread in a mentor-ish way and help it move along if you would.

    I have no info on this patient so we're going to deal with him in gross terms only, OK?


    Thanks Dwayne we just learned about this in class.

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  4. A lot of people I know just think Paramedics and EMT’s transport people to the hospital and thats it, but they don’t know all they really do. When people ask me what I want to do and I say I wan to be a paramedic most of them say haven’t you ever thought about nursing and I say no I want to be a paramedic not a nurse. Those I know who think being a paramedic is a good job because you help people are those who have been in ambulances before and respect what they do. I always got excited to see ambulances when I was younger because I thought they were so cool and so were EMT’s and Paramedics. I never got as excited to see cop cars, fire trucks, or the hospital. I have heard many people call paramedics and EMT's ambulance drivers before.

  5. What do you guys do if your in the middle of cooking something just turn the oven/stove off and leave?

    What about if you guys are at some fast food place or something waiting for your food and you get a call and you already paid for your food do you just leave?

    I've just always wondered about these questions.

    I understand the need to give crews a break on long shifts, especially when they are running their butts off. But last time I checked, I was in this industry to help people, not complain because I didn't get a lunch break. As with most rules, they are put in place because some/enough people complained about a situation to have it changed. We get 20 minute "breaks" here, but if the system drops, they'll pull you off break. If you are closer to a life-threatening emergency, they'll pull you off of break. I don't have a problem with that. We work 12 hour shifts and don't have stations (we use SSM), so that can make for a long shift. When it's busy all night, we don't get breaks. We're just used to it.

    Do I think what happened in the article was wrong? Yes. I would think an EMS service has an obligation, especially in the case of a cardiac arrest, to send the closest unit possible, even if they have to interrupt their break. Cheeseburger or a man's life? Not a hard decision in my opinion. Cheeseburger can be re-heated or re-made. I person can't after a short period of time.

    <b>A human can go about three weeks without food before it dies. A brain can go about three minutes before it begins to die.</b>

    I agree with you I would Rather save someone’s life then eat right then and have to feel the guilt if they die or something. I’m not a paramedic or EMT yet but I pretty sure I would prefer to save someone.

  6. Wow I just realized that I haven’t seen this forum in like a year.

    I have a couple songs in my head these songs are stuck in my head pretty much all the time- Basket Case, Minority, American Idiot, Longview, and Warning all by Green Day =D

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