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Posts posted by tamaith

  1. ok i will look into it no i don't have a training officer. i was hoping to do this anonymously so that my boss doesn't find out it was me if we loose the pt. ( less money in the bosses pocket). but it needs done . this pt s residence/ hygiene is awful... im not talking about not showering for a few days either. and i believe his 1 yr old grandson lives there as well but don't quote me on that.

  2. i never said anything about a basic being the highest level during a 911 call. the 50 plus private bls companies in my city don't do 911not to mention the other 40 or so right outside the city limits. there are two main types of dialysis. and tens of thousands of pt s in my city and yes i do know that most don't go by ambulance. you seem to always under mind me. and yes i always talk to my pts find out how long they have been going, why they are going etc.

  3. i got my official drivers license in jan of '08 took evoc in june of '08 then got hired by a private company and 2wks later i was driving an ambulance. my evoc course was in a school parking lot not on the street, unfortunaltly . i naturally tend to drive slow i've been in the back with some who are driving over the speed limit and pt's and myself are bouncing up and down. i do say something to the driver tell him/her to slow down. i think some don't realize that when you are in the back you feel every bump and Lord knows there are a ton of pot wholes and divits in the street where i am. i like the idea of putting the emt in the back so they got an idea of what if feels like when you go fast or hit the breaks etc...

  4. the question was do you have a problem with homosexuals? yes or no? ( explain yourself)? that was the question right? explain yourself...to me means opinion. does it matter if the last thread was in oct of 2007? how i write on here and how i write on my pcr's are different but thank you for your concern. do you use proper english every time you write or talk? I don't know one person that that is proper 24 hours a day 7 days a week . i never once said i would not be able to tolerate having to work with a person who is gay or work on a pt who is gay.

  5. hmmm this is a touchy subject to say. if they can do the job fine just dont hit on me. i once had a gay hit on me and i litterly through up. my personal preference would not spend 12 hours in a ambulance with them but i think mick jagger said it best you cant always get what you want.

  6. i was under the impression that in medic school they don't go over anything you've learned in basic school. so what the first couple of days is a review or something?

    and jpifnv if you go back to what was said by spenec " learning the basics has no real benifit " and go to what you said learning how to use a stretcher should take no more than 4 pt.s aren't you learning the basics if physicians and rn's know how to give an oral report or use o2 thats because the learned the basics or were they born with that knowledge. im still confused on how i can hurt the pt if i follow protocol. i think if you don't know the basics yes you can hurt the pt. the person who had the question in the beging is going to do what they feel like regardless of what anyone on here says they should trust their gut. and what about tuition? some places charge 10,000 or 25000 depending on where you are? as said before yes you can work while in school but the ones i know that work while in school can only work maybe 2 days the rest of the time they are studing or doing clincal. you cant survive by just working 2 days/ wk. loans? what if you get denied? or just don't want a loan? again this is just how i feel my OPINION . i rather work in the field for a year make sure this is what i want to do for the rest of my life than pay 25,000 and then decide i hate this type of work.

  7. i can vouch for chesire. i went to emt- b school at jeffstat ( jefferson hospital) great program by the way. and we finished in june and medic school there started in sept. some of my classmates signed right up for medic school our instructors said basically that its up to you how you feel. if you want to go straight through. but it seemed like they were leaning on the wait a year side. make sure this is what you really want to do. get experience before you spend money for medic school. thats what im doing waiting a year and saving up for tuition.

  8. i know someone in the state dept. lots of training and backround checks. i believe you have to do 3 tours over seas. or as they call them hardships. the hardships are for 2 years unless you are in a war zone then its only 1 year. i know they deal with passport fraud and diplomat security.

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