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Everything posted by fireelfnremtp

  1. Sorry for the misunderstanding. I know that there was no mention of the crew running against traffic. What I was getting at was that the theory of running in that manner was outdated thinking and behavior.
  2. So apparently some people think that we are immune to the laws? Exactly what kind of example are we setting by speeding? It has been shown time and time again in studies that running lights and siren let alone speeding does not save you enough time to warrant the risk involved. We all have to remember that if we do not get there, we are part of the problem, not the solution. Running balls to the wall on the wrong side of the road at break neck speed is old school thinking. Why don't we go back to not wearing gloves too. Back to "The more blood you got on you, the better the run was"kind of thinking. If we want treated like professionals, then we better start acting like ones
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