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Everything posted by VinnyDeath

  1. What concerns me is on the job infection. Although pretty much all of us who are still walking take proper BSI precautions, things happen. Think for a moment if you could be fired for being positive for HIV, and you become infected at work. Not only do you have to live with the consequences of having HIV/AIDS, but you are now unemployable in the field that you obviously have a passion for (because I'm sure as heck not in it for the money). I also firmly believe (and tell patients that) BSI is a two way street. Its meant to stop infection, either way. And if the powers that be believe that we are properly protected by the mandated safety gear (gloves, glasses, safety needles), then the public should also be protected from any HCW who is infected.
  2. I cope with humor. Personally, it helps remove the reality and gravity of what just happened. Joking about the everyday mundane things helps me look for a little bit of humor in the 22nd drunk of the tour, rather then just the exit.
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