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Posts posted by lizzieborden

  1. Let's see..I entered the US Air Force in 1995...we were Security Police back then...then I cross-trained into Airfield Management and stayed in that career field until 2004 and by then they were back to Security Forces...and yes, Security, Law Enforcement, CATM (Combat Arms Training and Maintenance), and K9 LE were combined (though you still needed separate tech school for CATM and K9...the second time through the career field, I was LE (on the road as a regular cop)...When we talked to regular civilians, we tended to call ourselves "Base Police" and when we approached a subject, we referred to ourselves as "Police"...In the AF, the last time I was deployed, the medics didn't carry arms...I didn't know of any combat medics in the AF...the closest thing the AF has to combat medic is para-rescue...and of course they are armed...I was simply referring to regular medics, since that is the only experience I have...I have never, EVER, been in the Army :D Hoorah for the Army though because I tell you, those guys and gals are incredible!

  2. Ok, I gotta question...In the military, I was an AF cop and a first responder...of course, comparing a first responder to a medic/emt is probably like comparing a medical transcriptionist with a nurse...so I didn't have that much training...basically I was given a crash course in hyper first aid and buddy care, and cpr...not that much, but it was enough to make me interested...however in Oct 06, I was diagnosed with a chronic medical condition (Common Variable Immunodeficiency)...I have no immune system, so working in a hospital setting is probably NOT a good idea for me...without treatment...I guess my question is this...are there medics/emts out there who have chronic conditions they can control? So long, of course, as that condition does not inhibit them from doing the job, would it be off-putting for an emt/medic to be wearing a face mask ALL the time??

    Just curious...even though I have been told it's not a good idea...I haven't been told NO either...and with my infusions, I have a partial immune system most of the time...and I can wear a mask to further decrease the risk...but then again, don't a lot of medics wear masks?

    And are there medics/emts out there with arthritis? I mean, if the arthritis is completely controlled, would that stop you?

  3. In military (at least USAF) law enforcement, EMS/FIRE are primary on scene...police don't take over until injuries have been assessed...HOWEVER...depending on type of call...ie, hostages with injuries, suicide attempt, accident, etc... Let me give example...I was a first responder in Honolulu, HI...on Hickam AFB...I happened to be the lead patrolman that night and we got a call of a woman falling (or being pushed) out a second story window. Code 3 all the way, rolled on-scene and I found the female lying on the ground bleeding like a stuck pig (no, she wasn't fat...it was a figure of speech!! heehee)...anyway, I don't know if I have a crime scene or an accident scene. I call for fire/medics to roll (no, for whatever reason they hadn't rolled yet) and I called for two extra patrols to secure the scene. At that point, we didn't know if we had a domestic on our hands, if the husband was armed, etc...I initiated first aid and got pressure applied to the worst of the bleeding wounds. My beat partner took the other arm. We (BTW, this is not necessarily in how-we-did-it order) restricted her movement with board and collar while the other patrols took over scene security. When fire/ems arrived about 10 mike later, we took over crime scene identification. We were told later if we had not gotten the bleeding stopped she would have died. In that particular situation, being cops first would have killed the vic/patient. As it turned out, she WANTED everyone to think she wanted to die, as it ended up being a suicidal gesture with umpf. Needless to say, AF cops are taught that medical response takes top priority. If extra patrols are needed, then call for 'em to roll out...life before death...

  4. Ok, being the FNG (F'ing new guy) in this site, I'm gonna go ahead and post my "tactical" (yes, pun intended) two cents on this issue...being on both sides of this...IE, first responder AND cop in the military (now retired)...I am a bit torn on this. Yes, I understand Geneva Conventions, non-combatant rules, yada yada yada...however, the world has changed...The temperment of the world has changed and it seems these days that the US is the only one really abiding by the rules (when the news crews are rolling tape anyway!)...In order to remain a non-combatant, then medics cannot carry...HOWEVER, in the midst of a war, I think EVERYONE in the area should carry. I tell you what...it's easier to take out a sniper from 300 yards away with an M4 than a 12 gauge syringe! I know the code is to save lives...but sometimes, I think it's okay that the life saved is your own!

    So...I think, (Yes, i do that sometimes!) in certain hostile situations, medics should carry weapons. It's seems a little contradictory but if you take a bullet in the head, how you gonna treat all the other vics? And like they say, "You gotta take care of Numero UNO first!"

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