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Everything posted by jmp6753

  1. We are using the Bousnigac (sp?) system. Works well. Its disposable and about $75 per use. We use it only several times a year. But has been great so far. Almost paramedic proof. In the state of Washington CPAP is becoming a BLS skill.
  2. My agency carries both. I have used both with no differences seen for outcome. Last time I saw Amiodarone was significantly more, around $300 per dose. Good luck!
  3. In my area, virtually everyone is a medic. Ambulances (private) have a medic and EMT-IV tech. City fire has medics on all their engines and trucks as well. Some of the very rural engine crews are EMT. Had a call not to long ago with 4 medics on the ladder co, my partner was a medic and I had a medic intern...7 medics...poor patient
  4. How common are calls related to wind turbines?
  5. I have used the new EZ-IO and absolutely love it. I cant imagine going back to the old manual style. It is easy to use, fast and relatively painless.
  6. Our company insurance provider allows 10 over posted speed as conditions allow. The faster the speed, the worse the ride in the back. Is it my problem the guy hasn't seen a Dr in 20 years and eats 5 Big Macs a week? Don't think so...
  7. No stickers or anything. Dont wanna draw any attention to myself. When I'm at work I'm a medic, on my off time I do other stuff. If my company wants to pay me I'll put a sticker on.
  8. Has anyone dealt with suspension injuries? We have a lot of the 200+ foot high wind turbines being built in my response area. Apparently if someone has been hanging in a harness for a while there are issues of the blood pooled in the legs being recirculated back into the body or so I am being told. Have people run on patients associated with the turbines and what types of protocols are you using? Thanks!!
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