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Posts posted by golfermike

  1. If you really want to make this a career, I wouldn't be that concerned. As a former independent tester of used vehicle limits and applicable laws, I understand your situation. Assuming you are currently employed, continue your education and get an associates degree as a medic. If you don't have job, get one and go to medic school. When it comes time to apply, the charge will be 3 years old and you will have a better chance at forming a career with a medic license. Just make sure there aren't any new charges. That will be hard to overcome.

    After I get my EMT-B can I go straight to medic school to get my associates degree? Or will I have to work as an EMT-B for a year first? After getting my associates degree what steps would I take to become a paramedic?

    Thanks for all the info guys!

  2. Why is it that you've waiting to look into this until you've already begun your EMT training?

    I just found out about this website and wanted to get input from people in this community. I have asked other people about this but have received mixed responses. I will try to contact the specific ambulance companies I wish to work for and try to find out what their rules are regarding my situation.

    This is a career that I want to pursue even if it means waiting until my driving record clears up. I figured getting my EMT-B license doesnt need to be put on hold so I enrolled in the class.

  3. Sorry I should have clarified what a "wet reckless" is. I got pulled over and had a BAC of .09. But instead of taking the case trial the DA offered a "wet reckless" instead of a DUI if I plead guilty. Its sort of a way to get guaranteed convictions in California without spending the money going to trial.

    It is a different violation code than a DUI and on my driving record it says "reckless driving" and a lisence suspension. The I still had to go through a DUI program (classes and counseling) but the probation period and fines are about of what you get if you get convicted of a DUI. If I were to get a DUI in the future I would be treated as if this wet reckless was a DUI and would be charged with a 2nd DUI violation. This is something that will NOT happen again as I have learned a very expensive lesson.

  4. About a year ago I got a "Wet Reckless". It's not a DUI and on my driving record it's listed as a Reckless Driving Violation and a License Suspension. I know it was a REALLY stupid mistake and I'm thankful that I didn't hurt anyone by doing it. I went through classes, counseling and paid all of my fines. And it has been a wake up call for me.

    I'm in EMT class now and what I want to know is, what are my chances of getting hired as an EMT-B? Would I need to wait till this is no longer on my record before I have a chance at getting into this profession?

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