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Everything posted by parame

  1. Thank you Doc, I appreciate the lesson. I sinned twice for this article: I was hoping for it to just be an excuse for such debate, which is disrespect to the researchers, and also applied the wrong process name being a smartass (or a fool). I apologize for both. I am ashamed as it exposed my own ignorance. Maybe “EMTCity Administrator” or “AKflightmedic” can change the name of this thread so it fits? How does one contact them?
  2. Thanks for the post, spenac! Can you please specify the BAC levels of such patients? Out of 3 pages of reactions to this post, only 2 replies so far were written by women... hmmm. Physiologically speaking - 5% of any alcohol blood level evaporates out through the lungs. The patient would have “alcohol breath” regardless of consumption methods. Lisa – They must be using the ones with the plastic applicators, soaking it when still intact. Hence my above question to spenac.
  3. parame

    eric and amber

    Congratulations, Amber and Eric. :wav: May you define the right skills, traits and behaviors for your own system, and know how to implement them. Have an intimate, healthy, fair and protective negotiation. Build on both of your strengths, minimize your weaknesses, and if you want to have kids – raise them to be human beings. http://www.cato-unbound.org/2008/01/14/ste...re-of-marriage/ http://www.cato-unbound.org/2008/01/23/the...and-the-family/
  4. The Lancet has published an interesting worldwide study on January 31st. Since one can't find the original full text online, here's an abstract by the UM Med school: [web:b86889f84e]http://www.prnewswire.com/cgi-bin/stories.pl?ACCT=104&STORY=/www/story/01-31-2008/0004747381&EDATE=[/web:b86889f84e] Now, some may think that if this subject is neglected in preventive medicine, who are we in ambulatory one to address it... but I think it is interesting and hope to hear new ideas in our scope of practice. I am sure there are different ways of thinking from around the world... What are your opinions?
  5. Always interesting to experience other mediums of one's e-persona. Thanks for the post and interview, both "EMS Solutions" and "Dustdevil". Same for hearing Dr. Bledsoe's personal story and opinions. P.S.: Dust, headed for politics?
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