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Everything posted by aztraumamedic

  1. As an EMT/Paramedic, I have worked many years running Emergency calls in the field and for the last several years I have worked in ER. Back in the late 1980's in Southern California, we had many Trauma Centers. However, many hospitals dropped out of the trauma system. The primary reason for this was MONEY! A trauma center must have many different specialists on call 24/7. These doctors get paid when they are on call and more when they are actually called in for a trauma case. I have worked in gang areas and most of the GSW's, stabbings, TC's and other trauma calls are on gang bangers and others who have no medical insurance. This means the hospitals do not get compensated or paid. However, the hospitals must still pay the doctors who are called in to treat the patient and supplies used, etc. Even though hospitals may get some type of reimbursement from the county or state, they still lose money. Every time we as EMT's or Medics call in a trauma from the field, the specialist doctors are called in and must be paid. I do agree that calling a trauma is best left up to us in the field, the "desk jockeys", as you said, only see dollar signs.$$$ I am afraid it is all about money
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