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Posts posted by n7lxi

  1. There are lots of programs that let you get your basic then immediately start the next level. Just depends if you are willing to travel.

    I don't mind some travel, or relocating for a year or so for training. Can you (or anyone else) suggest a reputable program that allows Basic>Paramedic?

    I've searched without much luck. Thanks for all your help.

  2. Thanks for your reply FireDoc. I'm not adverse to working as a Basic for a year, and if that's the requirement for all of the Community College programs, so be it.

    I've checked with a couple of the college based Medic programs here in Washington... still if waiting for an answer on if there is any possibility of waiving the "year as a basic" requirement.

    As far as ticking anyone off, I've seen how some clueless (read: not using the search feature) newbies have been chewed up and spit out by some of the more senior forum members. :lol:

  3. As far as it goes for medic school where I live, well... I'm SOL. I live in Seattle, smack dab in the middle of Medic One country. And while I'd LOVE to be part of that program, I have no interest in becoming a Seattle firefighter... so... there goes that idea.

    There is a medic program in Tacoma, at Tacoma Community College that I'm looking into, but my medic school choices here in the PNW (at least as far as I can see) look rather bleak.

  4. Hello All:

    I’ve been a lurker here for the past few weeks, reading as much as I can, trying to find answers without posting a question that’s been asked a zillion times before and incurring the wrath of the more senior forum members. :(

    I’m 37 and plan on enrolling in EMT-B in the fall. I have prior EMS experience, as an EMT-I, but that was over a decade ago. My goal is to enter paramedic school, work in the field and eventually teach.

    I’ve read with great interest the arguments over whether one should wait a year between initial EMT-B certification and medic school or should just jump right in. As I have past EMS experience and I know what I’m getting into, I’d like to jump right from EMT-B to medic school. The problem is, I can’t find a medic program that will allow admittance without a year of current certification as an EMT-B.

    Is anyone familiar with a program that waives the waiting period? If so, please let me know. And again, if this has been discussed ad nauseum, please accept my apologies. I did search. Honest.


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