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Everything posted by Chris.Cushing.EMS

  1. To be clear, I'm looking for people to pass this letter by. It's already done, but I would like input.
  2. Hello, If you are an avid member of this site, then I know competence in EMS is a primary concern for you. It can be difficult to find a way to address the issue. I don't know if this is the best route, but this action is better than nothing. I hope to get support from this community. I'm requesting EMTCity's assistance in helping construct a letter about concerns with the state of EMS in Los Angeles County. There are a number of EMS professionals on this site who have served in various field & hospital positions, councils, advisory groups, EMS committees, management, and liaison positions at various levels. I would appreciate your help in reviewing the letter for content, organization, and relevance. My main goal is for the letter to be written in a way that EMS leaders will read, find educated, find concern with, and feel the need to act on. I'm relying on you to help determine what will appeal to medical directors, EMS educators, government officials, as well as the public & community leaders. This is your chance to help someone take action. It's a start at least on a local level. The things that happen in LA EMS are unbelievable... So, please send me a Private Message (click below) and whether you want your email address kept private when I send out the draft of the letter.
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