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    I love the outdoors. I am an umpire also for High school baseball. New to EMS. Just wish I hadn't waited so long to get started!

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  1. Ummm....I have a question. Connie, do you know for a FACT that there was a problem with the LP12 four days prior? All you really have is a FF that says the wires were loose. Is that right? I'm just curious. Where I work, there is a EMT-B that is pretty lazy. I usually end up working with him, and I find myself going back over the check off sheet just to CMA. :roll: Anyway, I was just curious. Hope everything turns out ok for you.
  2. I'm just curious as to why the FD would not have told the PD about the suspicion of drugs in the house. They would not have a pt confidentiality problem. I would have noted on the PCR, "various powdery substances and green leafy substances present on coffee table. Pt denies (or admits) any recent drug use...." I definitely would NOT have noted the stacks of money on the PCR. That has nothing to do with Pt care. But as questioned earlier, I would have given a nod towards the potential drugs to the lead FD person on scene.
  3. kimweldon

    Lift Test

    I wish like he-double hockeysticks that my service had a lift requirement!!! There is a medic that works with me who can barely lift herself! She never takes the head, and can't even put the stupid stretcher into LOAD! I usually get the privilige of working with her.
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