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Posts posted by Cattyemt

  1. it's soooo nice to hear that the private i work for isn't the only magnet for morons! i'm sorry you have to deal with this and agree completely with the document everything advice already given. i'd only suggest you don't wait until you physically attack this man to actually report him to management. no point in getting yourself in trouble. good luck!

  2. One of the calls that made me feel absolutely the worst, we were sent to transport a ninety year old woman outta the hospital to a nursing home. let me preface the rest of this by saying that our uniforms are grey shirts, black pants and boots. black jackets. she took one look at us and freaked out. she was a concentration camp survivor with dementia. she didn't speak english and no matter what we tried to tell her she wouldn't believe we weren't there to hurt her. she was tiny, but she fought with everything she had. i felt horrible. how nightmarish it must have been for her to see us walk through the door.

  3. my best suggestion is to go to an army/navy surplus store, or equivalent. and try on the different styles of medic pants to find the one that fits right. i've found these stores to have the largest size selection and best prices. i like gettin the pants with the reinforced knees when they have them. the only way to figure out which ones are best for you are to try them on, go with the ones that fit best and see how you like them. for instance, i wear medic pants but my old partner always wore dickies instead. it's all personal preference and what you're allowed to wear according to whoever you work for. good luck!

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