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Just Plain Ruff

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Status Updates posted by Just Plain Ruff

  1. ok, woman walking 11 miles across a frozen river to a town without snow pants nor snow shoes, her feet are frozen, she's been out for over 5 hours. hmmmmmm makes you wonder why they call them feetsicles

  2. Bacon, eggs, pancakes and a carafe of orange juice for breakfast. Going to be a great day in the nations capital.

    1. scubanurse


      Whatchya doing in DC?

  3. Ok im at boston market getting ready to put a piece of rotissery chicken dipped bbq sauce in my mouth and a small voice in the back of my head is yelling noooooooooooooo remember last week. So I have put it down, refusing to fall victim to a repeat performance of my Fridays Jack Daniels status nightmare.

  4. Hey Rush, shut the hell up. All you are doing is inflaming everybody including those who originally didnt give a crap.

  5. 55k for a new Jaguar I would expect more than 16 mpg in the city and 23mpg on the highway.

  6. A job I would not want. the only maintenance guy on duty at five pm when the last jet to kc is already late. do you have to know how to fix everything that breaks or do you have a computer program that asks you a question and if you answer this way it asks another question or is it expected that you know how to fix an entire 737 or embraer 2000

  7. On the bus with the representative from perfumes r us outlet stores. She apparantly dropped a vat of the overstocked cheap stuff over her head

  8. Never fails, jack daniels sauce always has to spill one drop on my shiry, every single time no mattet how careful I am.

  9. When all is said and done, much more is usually said than done!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  10. Kind of feeling back to normal but not really. Make sense?

  11. One more clue "its the land where a the word balanced budget has been deemed a four letter word, the leader of one political party has a spray on tan and the leader of the other political party has ears second in size only to a famous baby animated elephant.

  12. How can an otherwise good day hit the crapper in five minutes????

  13. Did you know we are just one day away from a 10.0 quake. At least thats what the tv show I just watched said. But they just didn't say what day the quake would happen or where. Damn scare mongers.

  14. Anyone know how to get melted bread sack plastic from off a glass cook top? Number one son dropped the bread sack on the hot burner and it melted.

  15. Beignet! It's what's for breakfast!!!!!! Yummmmm

  16. Seems like every other channel today has some special on whitney houston on.

  17. At Powerplay with Liam. Night of games, lazertag, pizza and fun

  18. I guess that global warming thing is actually real

  19. Just saw Dolphin Tale on Vudu with the wife. Best 4.99 spent this week.

  20. Valentines day lunch with Gabrielle. She sure can eat.

  21. migrainous maximus that is what I'm doing right now. I have 1 of those headaches that sneaks up on you and says Boom Im here

  22. just voted in an election where my vote TRULY doesn't count.

  23. Brown and Croupon voted the Winningest lawfirm in Missouri. And they also drink Tiger's Blood. Winning Winning. And don't forget, they have 3 Super Lawyers.

  24. Each superbowl halftime show gets worse every year. But I have a craving to luv madonna now. Anyone else have that craving?

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