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Just Plain Ruff

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Status Updates posted by Just Plain Ruff

  1. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0yyoncZTnGU&feature=relmfu Mayhem commercials that you may or may not have seen. Some are truly hilarious.
  2. www.traillifeusa.com 

    Trail Life USA is a Christian Outdoor Adventure, Character, and Leadership Program for boys and young men.

    Operating from Troops that are chartered through churches in 48 states, the K-12 program centers on outdoor experiences that build a young man’s skills and allow him to grow on a personal level and as a role model and leader for his peers.

    Living the Trail Life is a journey established on timeless values derived from the Bible.

    Ask me more


  3. I really didn't mean to poke the walrus.  His post was confusing and he left a lot to be interpreted to guesswork.  I think I hurt his feelings.  No offense was intended in my post.  

  4. 1 big interview down and 1 to go. Hoping to have to choose between to jobs soon.

  5. 135th or so time thru airport security with the same 4 ounce tube of toothpaste in my carry on bag without being qiestioned. So much for safety in the skies huh?

  6. 25 minutes to drive a half mile. Gotta love DC traffic

  7. 2nd day of Project management bootcamp done. Have 3-4 hours of homework ahead of me. Yay!!!!!!!!! I just submitted my application for PMP certification and if approved I can schedule my test for next month. I need that much time to study for the test. I cannot believe how much the test will cost to take.

  8. 3 days and counting.

  9. 3.09 per gallon at 58hwy and 291

  10. 3.5 miles in 54 minutes. .2 miles of it was spent walking but the rest was running.

  11. 47:37 for a 5k. Not bad

    1. RaceMedic


      better than i can do !

  12. 5 minute walk, 25 minute run (2.2 miles) 4 minute walk, 10 minute run (.8 miles) and 4 minute walk. Total 3.2 miles. I think I might just be able to run the 5k I'm signed up for.

  13. 50.3 billion minutes was the amount of time Amercans spent on Facebook in the month of August. Think of how much we could have gotten done if we didn't get on facebook. WOW

  14. 55k for a new Jaguar I would expect more than 16 mpg in the city and 23mpg on the highway.

  15. A job I would not want. the only maintenance guy on duty at five pm when the last jet to kc is already late. do you have to know how to fix everything that breaks or do you have a computer program that asks you a question and if you answer this way it asks another question or is it expected that you know how to fix an entire 737 or embraer 2000

  16. Absolutely ASSININE to delay the announcement of the grand jury decision until 9pm eastern. How many more people can they get on the streets and how much more danger can they put these officers in once the rioting starts.

  17. Adam, why are you awake. go to bed

  18. Adam, why are you awake. go to bed

  19. Adam, why are you awake. go to bed

  20. All I can say is this - DANGIT

  21. Am so frustrated right now that I just have to go and kill some orc's and their kin.

  22. Amd because of this if your identity theft is traced to arizona you can thank those who took away the powers of the law enforcement groups enforcing the laws away.

  23. An actual post to a professional forum. "Sicme i was introduced to issue collector by yourself we have foun it a great tool, id be interested to know more how we can understand the files you collect to see if we can see if we can do anything ourselves. Is there any guides on using the files? to troubleshoot issues that may caued locally?"

  24. An allegory for todays Youth and disconnected families. Be careful what you let your children go off and do. Shared from my Good Friend Phillip Cosby. This is really sort of scary. Be cognizent of what you let your children go off and do without your knowledge. A family of four, mom, dad, a young son and daughter set in the not so distant future. Their home, like most had a specially equipped 'imagination' room. A room we today would call a 'holodeck' from the futuristic Star Trek T...

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