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Posts posted by Britt207

  1. That's why I don't like 'A Baby Story,' I agree that its teaching women that they can act like that and that its ok because they are pregnant.

    You shouldn't make your co-workers suffer all because you are "pregnant". If one of my co-workers would act like that, I'd ignore them and not talk to them again, just because your pregnant don't mean that I have to deal with your bitchy ass. . I find it crazy that there are people out there that will give in just because she's pregnant, and they dont want to put her under any stress.. My response is, your showing her that its acceptable for her to act like this because people are going to give in to her, and then she'll think that she's able to act like that with everyone, and that's not the case. I can understand, somewhat if there was a problem with the pregnancy, however just to get people to do what ever she wants when ever she wants is wrong.

    Not all people like kids, not all people want to hear about your kids, remember that. And there are people that dont care how many times little johnny went 'poopy in the potty.' Some people just don't care. Yes, I'm sure your proud of your kid. But that don't mean that everyone cares and wants to know the details. Infact, most people are probally just listening to be nice.

  2. Yes, there are some women that want to be catered to when they are pregnant, and they expect everyone to bow down to them because they are "with child." Big deal get over it. We didnt' get you pregnant we shouldn't have to put up with you bitching and complaining all the damn time..

    Take my cousin for example, she got pregnant twice, and each time, she expected everyone to do whatever she said, when she said it. It was annoying. I didnt get her pregnant so why should I have to deal with her? Needless to say, both times that she was pregnant, I ignored her and stayed away from her. She called me one time to babysit her 'oldest' because she couldn't handle them both at the same time, and my response was, 'you should have thought about that before you got pregnant again.' Call me what you may, but I'm not going to bend over backwards to please you, when ever I'm not the one that got you in the situation to begin with.

  3. Since when do drama queens file lawsuits?

    With that being said, I have a feeling that if that 'person' goes to a lawyer looking to file a lawsuit, they are going to laugh at them, and tell them to get out of their office and quit wasting their time. But if they do happen to find a lawyer that does happen to take their case, it should get interesting. To the person, who said about banning her forever, it probally wouldn't help, because all you'd have to do is reset the ip address and bango your back in, unless the admin on this site is alot smarter then the admin on another site. But you know what, there have been some funny drama queens in that chat room, however I must say this one takes the cake. Filing a lawsuit against someone who, checked their facts. . . However you could always file a countersuit, for emotional distress. Take her to Judge Judy...she'll tell that person how it is :) They are just my thoughts.

  4. Single. I know that this is going to sound really Cliche', but I dont want to get married until I'm 1,000 percent sure that I could spend my life with him, and even with that, you can't always be 100 percent sure that its always going to work out... You could be fully devoted to your spouse but unless they are devoted to you, then your screwed.

  5. ahh Les, the queen of drama strikes again.....Its all a ploy to get 'Scotty' back, again, because chances are if she went to this extent, Ed went back to his wife again!

    Les, seriously, you need to see medical help for your psychological problems. IT truley is unhealthy, and to the mother, you might want to go see a different doctor than your daughter.One doctor can't provide the help that you guys need.

    Also, your drama is getting OLD, find a new hobby, and get a life.

  6. Although I am starting to try very hard to avoid crotchity’s threads, as I find them devoid of any scientific basis and the way he presents his thoughts are based more on opinion than fact, I looked at this one because it was getting much attention.. It appears that was my first mistake.

    My second (and hopefully last) mistake on this thread is actually feeling like I have to comment on it.

    First, to Crotchity:

    Once again, you have started a thread with no evidence to support your comments, and then you add to it as other question your intent, changing the focus as you go. Bcause of this I question your intent of your threads – what usually has the potential to evolve into a positive discussion on what changes we could make as EMS providers and what some regions are doing to improve service, ends up in a thread where you refuse to acknowledge most posters, you belittle those who directly ask you for facts and clarification, and rather than trying to lead the thread back to discussion which could improve EMS, you hijack it further.

    Your first post:

    “Here is a link to a site that maintains an ambulance crash log. December's accidents will pop-up with this link, and you can search all previous months. If I get bored today, I might count up all of 2008's crashes to get an injury and death count. Of course, those crashes that are listed are voluntarily emailed to the site, it is not an all-inclusive list:


    After being asked to clarify your thread, you responded:

    “If you extrapolate those numbers out for just those who were injured, to an annual statistic, you would come up with 576 people injured on an annual basis, which on it's face seems low. But if I told you that a piece of equipment that was common to ambulances was going to have a malfunction this year that would result in close to 600 injuries, wouldnt you do something about that piece of equipment ?

    These accidents are still the number one killer of our personnel, what does your service do to reduce accidents ?”


    “Yes i did break my promise, but it was only at the request of the crotchies who stated they could not go a week without my posts. So to make everyone happy, I am not posting any controversial topics until 2009. You will note that these topics are all warm and fuzzy, and not offensive.”

    “These accidents are still the number one killer of our personnel, what does your service do to reduce accidents ?”

    Then, you sidetrack the thread with:

    “the most critical call you can respond to is a cardiac arrest, and they are already dead.”

    Now… let’s look at the posts asking you to clarify:

    Reaper said:

    “And the point of all of this is?”

    “How are statistics preventing it?”

    BEorP said:

    “crotchity, if your intentions are to do something useful for the profession then I cannot fault you for that. You are kidding yourself and misleading members of this site if you think that the numbers you are citing mean anything.

    Please review the literature on this issue, as many of the things that you are making guesses on have been examined in scientific studies.”

    Akflightmedic said:

    “Care to explain this one? I never viewed an arrest as the most critical...”

    “Read any journals or studies regarding cardiac arrests lately??”

    Now, to the basis of my post…

    Crotchity, you did not provide any factual basis for your comments. You provided no studies, no evidence, no background to your comments. Yet, when people requested it from you (which, as the original poster, you should have been prepared to do) you did not provide any. You waited until someone else took the time which you should have done, and provided a number of studies (thank you BEorP).

    You made comments that you could not back up with facts, like:

    “These accidents are still the number one killer of our personnel, what does your service do to reduce accidents ?”

    “the most critical call you can respond to is a cardiac arrest, and they are already dead.”

    Where are the published studies to confirm this and why haven’t YOU posted them?

    Instead of providing the thread with constructive dialogue, you present:

    “Yes i did break my promise, but it was only at the request of the crotchies who stated they could not go a week without my posts.”

    Oh please…. For the most part, we are adults on this site, and your continued reference to your groupies is childish and annoying… I highly doubt that anyone on this site can’t go a week without your posts. I suggest that whoever they are, if they truly are not the voices in your head, that they seek medical attention for their addiction, as it is unhealthy to be that dependent.

    And, when specifically asked to clarify (as per akflightmedic, above), you respond with “As usual for AK; too bad.”

    I will not do your homework for you. If you are going to start a thread, have the facts to present, and when others ask for clarification and further explanation, I would like to see you back up your comments with facts.

    The fact that you continue to NOT present facts, and that you get defensive when asked again and again makes me question your reasons for being on this site.

    It appears to me that you would prefer to be the centre of attention through your less than professional attention seeking actions, rather than become a respected member of this site with positive contributions to the forums and the providing of educational material to others.

    To date, as I have not seen you provide positive dialogue or anything which furthers my education, I will continue to try very hard to avoid your further posts and threads.

    Can I get an AMEN Annie?

  7. hahah britt thats funny seriously though why can't people just read a post and not get mad, and why do people purposely make post that they know will make people mad, GROW UP PEEPS

    I know but my post got deleted. Perhaps it was a bit sarcastic, however it's still true, and funny. Now for my real Christmas wishes, I wish that Santa would pass out spell checkers out...Oh and all that stuff about world peace, or peace on earth.

  8. I had Nextel, and didn't care for it. I lost service alot. But that was back when they first came out with them. But I know people who have them now, and they like them.

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