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Posts posted by medibrat

  1. This job requires education? So as a monkey I don't qualify? Yikes, thanx for filling me in!

    Seriously, though, to answer your question, there isn't any one thing that needs to be done to improve patient care. We all have our strengths and our weaknesses. We should be able to identify at least one weakness within ourselves and work with that. Baby steps. For example, on occasion, that bs call turns out to be real. I need to prepare myself. All calls are REAL until proven otherwise! No rolling of the eyes until all the verdicts are in...that kind of thing. Oh, I guess that would be 'improved patience for my patients'.

    So to edit your question: What would YOU (being anyone) do to improve your patient care?

    Good question!

    Brat :angel8:

  2. Hear hear for rotations in the ER and vice versa!!! =D> A while ago I had an er doc stop at a mutli-vehicle mvc and when we were finished and ready to go (an hour later) he actually pulled me aside and said "wow, that was amazing...I really had no idea what you guys had to do out here, and hence what you were actually capable of" Can I get a hallelujah?? :angel7:

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