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Everything posted by Novisen

  1. Sorry Doczilla and everyone else if I´m understand that way. It wasn´t my intention. To performe RSI in the field is difficult and should´t be attemt if there´s no direct threat to the patients life. And when so is Ketamin and Celo is the only drugs you ever need (challenge from my side). Ketamin do not reduce bloodpreasure as much as Entomidate in patients with a high level of catekolamins like the trauma patients and head injuries. Systolic bloodpreasure increase beetween 0-40% when Ketamin is used in non bleeding, young, healthy male patient in the OR. 1mg/kg in trauma patients is enough before intubation.
  2. There´s a lot talk about RSI among paramedics. Should´t we talk about how often it´s necessary to perform RSI in the field. If it´s necessary my opinion is that Ketamin and Celo is the only drug we need. And that´s for trauma and traumatic head injuries. CHF, OD, mm should never be intubated ather then on vital signs and when not responding on treatment. Someone doubt my competence?
  3. I use Propofol and Celo on RSI. I also have Ketamin and Midazolam if I want to.
  4. Look down and see if the tube is i right place. Aortic rupture can give 0 mmhg on ETCO2. If you can´t see reintubate.
  5. We have Diklofenak, Ketobemidon, Morphine, Nitrious oxid and Ketamin to control pain Prehospital. I can decide on my own what drugs I will use.
  6. All you have to pay for in the Swedish system is about 40 dollars when you visit your doctor and abot 20 dollars for every night you spend in hospital. We dont have charges in the EMS.
  7. Or 4 years. To get a Master and Graduate Diploma i Prehospital nursing. In ECTS points it´s 240 points.
  8. Thanks for your answers! The education to become a ambulance nurse is 40 weeks in Sweden. If I compere it to education program to become a Paramedic I will say it´s the same we study. We also have another system in operation. When I work as an anhestesian nurse I have full responsibillity for the patient. We have one anhestesiologist that have 5-10 ongoing operation at the same time. We can call for him if we having problem. His/her job is to assess patients, spinal and ED anaesthesia. When we have children they are with us as support. I will say that my knowledge and skills are good for the patients. Anhestesia nurses are by tradition often working prehospital in Sweden. Novisen//
  9. Hello everyone! Hope you have indulgence with my poor english but a think you understand what I mean. I work in Sweden. On every ambulance there are at least one nurse working. We don´t have the Paramedicsystem but we have staff with BLS education that is not allowed to admin drugs. In Sweden you have to study 3 years to become a nurse. After that you go to ambulance school for 40 weeks anf get your master. I´m a nurse with a master in ambulance science and a anaesthesia nurse (190 weeks in school). I work parttime (50%) in ambulance and the rest in the operation room putting patient to sleep. The only country a heard of that have a simular system is the Netherlands even thought there is another coutries that allows nurses in the prehospital settings. Is there any nurses working in the EMS systems in your country? Novisen//
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