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  1. I like using NarrativePRO. We used this at the place I worked at used this and was killer!! it was customizable to each call and was very thorough. Im not sure if the software still out there, but man if it is....GET IT!!!!!! It wasnt what I would consider a narrative generator, only because you get to pick and choose from options and even type your own words in...wish we had it where I work now:)
  2. I know this is an old post, but oh well...lol. Where I used to work, we used a product called NarrativePRO. It was a program that we used along side our ePCR. I really liked it because even though it gave me a ton of options, I could edit the options to use my own words. I prefer to write in a chronological, CHART format (which by the way NarrativePRO is designed to do), but for the you SOAP writers it also does that as well. All I had to do was follow the program and it would compile the narrative for me. Simple but way, way more thorough than hand writing. Hope this helps:)
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