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Posts posted by wrenEMT

  1. My company does flat track and dirt bike races in the middle of the woods as well.. I love work both venues. I love working the flat track races because I get to sit in the middle of the track and watch the race, and I get to meet all of the racers. The people that race around here are 3-4 up to 70-75 years old. So when you have a trauma victim it could be a kid or an adult. I had both in the same day :lol:

    The same goes for the back woods racing. From the very young to the elderly racing. I thought it was great because although you don't get a lot of patients you normally get at least 1 really good trauma patient that needs transport and several minor. Of course those people that race like that have a meddle I can't fathom.. one kid hit a ditch and hit his stomach on his handle bars, ended up vomiting up his breakfast. He got right up and started racing again and said he would be fine. I let him go after his dad said it was fine All in a day of fun.

  2. I have verizon phone and I just got the VZNavigator on my phone and already it has paid off in the number of times I would have gotten lost.. because in my company we are adding in response areas.. like 2 new cities and alot of the people I work with and drive for me since I can't drive right now don't know the areas we are in. so I flip out my flip phone type in where we need to go and the GPS does it for me.. I have had a couple issues so far but then with any GPS or navigator you are going to have some problems like a street that doesn't exist, and in the case of the other day, the street the GPS wanted me to go on was a dead end street and we had to go around a hospital to get to where we needed to go. With any Navigator it's really a Naviguesser.. no worries you will get used to your area or find something that will eventually help you . just remember don't rely on it too much there will be times that a GPS or Computer navigation will end up failing on you.. even maps can because roads change every day.

  3. I love Jefafa DoneHAM.... Tak ka.. Acccchhhh Med the Dead terrorist is great..

    Can I kill the Jews? No.. No I wouldn't kill the Jews I would toss a penny between 2 of them and watch them fight to the death!!!... I would do the same but I would use a Small boy!!!.. and whoever wins has to fight Michael Jackson.

  4. First most of the calls I have been on lately have been for nurses calling me in for a patient that needs to have a "medical evaluation" at the ED. First of all they call it in as an emergent run, then when I get there and I ask what has been going on with this patient and they can't tell me the possible reason why the pt has had AMS for the last 9 hours. Because they started showing signs of AMS before breakfast and now it's 1830. Don't know if it's from the fact the pt "might have" dementia, alzhiemer's or the fact the patient has had 10 CVA's in the past 8 years (had that patient before). The only patient report you get is from the CNA or Care Partner, and the nurse is still sitting at the nurses station at the other end of the the ECF hallway.

    Or I get the call from the ECF for an unknown illness and find the patient is knocking on death's door and get told that they have a DNR but want them transferred so the pt's roommate doesn't have to worry about them. Most of the nurses I have to deal with are decent but I wonder why they have me come in there just to get a patient out of their way, when it's their job to make them comfortable and treat them like they are at home in their facility. I realize it's difficult to do that when most of the times the facility doctor is out playing a round of golf and gets the call on his cell that patient X has severe pain from one of their multiple disorders and needs some pain management, but since the doc hasn't seen the patient for longer than 5 min while the patient was awake the doc sends them out to the ED.

    I do have a really good friend that is an LPN at a ECF, oddly she lives right behind our station and married to a co-worker. I normally get a very good report from her but that is probably because me and some of the people I work with express our concerns with her and she realizes that sometimes the nurses suck and the orders they get are ridiculous. Although, she is also the one that laughs at the Doc because he walks into a patient room for 10 minutes without a BP cuff, stethoscope or any other instrument for vitals and writes down a perfect set of vitals and writes a report.

    I think we all need to realize that we have different gripes and complaints but it all comes down to making sure the patient is taken care of. There are good and bad ECF's everywhere, there are good and bad EMT's ie the EMT with the iPod stuck in his ears. There are also places where there are bad docs (Ohhh my not a bad doctor!!!!) but it's true there are some people meant for the jobs we work in, and there are some that get into it for the money, not any EMT I know of, but the nurses and docs sometimes do it for the money, and those are the ones that don't give 2 schits about patient care let alone care if patients have been treated with any type of dignity or respect. Ok I'm done..

  5. I have only done it once here. The police "leap frogging" the ambulance and blocking intersections. I didn't have a problem but I had a newbie driving while I was teching and he didn't know what was going on because since I live in a smallish town if the police see us coming in Lights and sirens they sometimes do it as a courtesy not just a necessity.

    I'm happy to say that we had no problems getting to the hospital it wasn't a pediatric arrest but my patient was going down hill fast so I was appreciative of getting the escort of sorts. The officer flipped off his lights an what not as soon as we got to the entrance of the hospital. Other reason for the escort was because of the distance from scene to hospital as well.

  6. OMG I think that Industrial pic is one of the ones we have on our lot.. LOL well yes we have one but I refuse to get into it unless it's the last ambulance available. Personally I love working in the mini mods we have, they are compact but not as small as a van. Plus they fit the bariatric patients in there nicely with me sitting next to them.. not too bad but I see no necessity for the international. Only other place that has an ambulance that big around here is Riley Hospital Critical Transport team and they have at least one nurse, one medic and one doc on board at all times IN THE BACK let alone a driver so they need the extra room

  7. That story right there shows everyone how much bull schit we have to go through when we pick up patients. And most of the time we don't get to hear dispatch. Call comes in for unknown medical and it turns out that some a$$ has a scrap on his finger or leg and wants stitches when it needs a 50 cent band aid.. Good thing they get charged $800 + a visit just to see the doc.. dumbasses.. gotta love them

  8. has taken me less than a year but best way to memorize an area and the streets is either go for a walk or go for a drive.. and paying attention to the streets along the way. It's only taken me about 5 months to know most if not all of the streets in my area.. it's much smaller than NYC but still hard to get used to, especially when I go out of my area alot

  9. ok.. the quiz portion on this site doesn't give you the answers if you get any of them wrong I did one quiz and I know I got the questions right because well they were basic questions really.. but it said I got them all wrong and then didn't put up what the correct answer was.. so there is a glitch somewhere.. probably same glitch that doesn't post the date and time when you look to see when something was posted.. no biggie :D just letting you all know including admin.. looking at some of the other sites to see what I can get out of them...

  10. Right now i"m in my classes to be a paramedic and even now I think sometimes that I'm an idiot for not recognizing this and that, when out on my clinicals. I won't say I know everything but I think I'm a damn good basic. And the more classes I take for my paramedic the more I think I am going to be bad at it.

    I have also realized that most of the medics out here in my area they might have the outside attitude of a paragod, but inside they are all thinking the same thing. We all think it.. Did I do everything I could on that call? Did I just do something completely stupid? In that last code did I do everything I could to keep that pt alive?

    I don't think they don't have confidence in their own skills it's just that they want to be the best they can be at their job just like all of us. I don't know about you but when I'm in the "basic mode" I can get dx before we get into ER and can normally tell the nurses what's going on with a good picture of what we found and why the patient is like they are when we pull in. But for some reason sometimes my mind goes completely blank while working on my clinicals because I think too much about all the things I COULD do. But most patients don't need everything we have in the medic bag.

    I know I will get better, and I always love to learn more. And this job you really do learn something new everyday, either about your patients or about yourself and how much you can handle out there in the life as an EMT.. be it basic or paramedic.. Paragods scare me anyway.. too much ego not enough know how in SOME cases, not all..

  11. I only have one thing to say.. We have a smoke free campus at hospital and at any property of the hospital and since 911 EMS is hospital owned you can't smoke at station. or in uniform or anything like that. SO... kinda makes it hard on down time, and I'm speaking as an EMT, not a hospital worker doesn't that suck just a bit? you can't even take off uniform shirt and be in parking lot and smoke, at station, not at hospital but at station. you would have to go across the street or something like that so you aren't seen.

    Furthermore other EMS service I work at.. they are giving a 50 cent benefit per hour for those that don't smoke, or don't smoke at work. Only down side to that is that they don't offer to help you quit smoking either. So.. hrm 50 cents more an hour or my partner keep her sanity. And not try to kill me in return.. I think I will stick to smoking at least til I am done with somethings in life that are causing me a bit more stress than work :D Just my 2.5 cents hope you like it...

  12. The only reason I would have seen to use lasix during or after the SVN tx would be to take fluid off the lungs, but I have only seen that with pts that have a hx of CHF. They have the COPD because of the CHF, but I don't know if it would have been a bad idea to try 40 mg of Lasix IV as well. They might have used lasix in correlation of the BiPAP. I don't know I wasn't there to see the pt but you painted a good picture of the pts distress..

    Either way I think you did a fine job with this patient. You did what you could per protocols for straight COPD pt with no hx of CHF. I would have done the same thing.

  13. I'm an AHA BLS for healthcare providers instructor, and we recommend a refresher once a year because AHA comes out with new regulations every couple years and it's always good to be up to date. Several employers offer a class once a year if you are in the healthcare field. You don't have to take the class til the year your's is up though. But always good to have a refresher if you are in a setting where you don't preform CPR all the time.

    Hope that helps :D

  14. I wouldn't be too worried if the patient wasn't symptomatic. I have had a couple elderly patients that have had a BP of say 100/0 I could still hear a pulse with auscultation during BP. I mentioned it to the ER staff and they weren't too worried. They got BP on their automatic cuff and it was still sitting around 110/0 so I wasn't the only one that got diastolic that is bottomed out...

    I also have several dialysis patients that have HTN but after dialysis their BP is sitting at 130/44 or lower.. but they only feel tired because of the effects of dialysis. So it's sometimes normal to have a BP that is off.

  15. I haven't heard of it yet being a reason for having an ambulance called out to a patient.. Or any of the medics talking about it.. Right now fentayl smoking is the big thing here, and meth still, but I'm sure if the patient actually tells you that he smoke, or used saliva to get high then they could test for it specifically.

  16. I live in indiana and work yes for a basic service. I was transporting a dialysis patient in the back of my ambulance when my partner saw a kid laying on the side of the road OBVIOUSLY INJURED.. we stopped and he got and checked on kid.. My patient was wondering what was going and after explanation he was wondering also if there was something wrong with the kid.. Well, we proceed to let our dispatch know that we are going to a bit late dropping off patient because of kid on side of road, with obvious injuries.

    WE GOT OUR ASSES RIPPED RIGHT THEN AND THERE.. We were in his eyes "abandoning our patient" our dispatcher is also our boss just so you know. He said get an SOR we will send another crew after him and get on your way.. Mother had already called 911 and got the other ambulance company dispatched when we were leaving scene with SOR. Saw crew and kid not 15 min later pulling up in the ER with splint on.. Asked in the ER what happened with boy and found out it was a nice Tib Fib Fx. So needless to say I wasn't endangering my pt because I was in the back of the ambulance the whole time while my partner was assessing the kid. But I still got my ass chewed just a wee bit and told to never stop while I have a pt on board and to call for an ambulance while still en route to my destination. Hope that helped with shedding a little light on my experience end of things. Not dangerous situation.. but still I got my ass reemed for stopping for another patient.. Because even if we got patient in back of ambulance and brought him to the hospital I would have then 2 patients instead of just one and Yes I can handle that but apparently my bosses didn't think it wise to have one tech per 2 patients. aww well they are private company and they can deal with the ramifications.. I'm not losing my cert for their stupidity anytime soon..

    I personally would have called for another crew in that case anyway because of the need for possible extraction, and any number of things that could have gone on in that scene other than the fact of the patient having a gun, which then endangered my other patient, my partner, and patients family and any number of other people around the scene like the people in the diner.. period.. the end

  17. YOU ARE 14% WHACKER!!!


    I actually own a green light it's in my car with it's permit, I own a couple tshirts and my hat I got from work.. Then I also have a couple stickers.. But I don't have models, scanner, littman's or anything too over the top.. although sometimes I wear my BDU's out without going to work and I have my jacket from work that is warmer than my normal jacket.. So it works

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