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Posts posted by Katee

  1. Dude, I live close to Erie... and why does that website sound familiar... hummm. Maybe I know it from someone on Myspace.. and are you takin the medic class in Erie? I heard there was one, but I can't go. Meadville might have one this fall though. Good luck with that!

  2. :tweety: Can't forget that some excellent providers are not good test takers. Some of the best EMTs I know with the best situational awareness suck at taking written tests.

    I was one of these people. There were a few in my class that I trust with my life, but by their test scores, you'd be like "uh oh". My partner in class, on the other hand, excelled with tests.

    I think the biggest downfall for upcoming providers would be the written test...

  3. Geeez... enough already! Every thread seems to end up being about how programs suck... or it's my imagination, which may indeed be true.

    Hey, my boots are so comfy that if I were on duty and wanting to take a nap, I could sleep in em'!

  4. I chose the Thorogood boots, those kick butt... and work well for everyday EMS or even down in the mud on a car accident. These boots have the side zippers. I paid around $70 for this particular pair, and if anyone is interested, I'll post a picture.

    I think I dug up a half-dead topic... OHHHH well.

  5. wow dust.... i've gotten into some arguments on this board.... but your goin to have the first all women lynch mob coming after you.... damn.... i don't know if your really brave or stupid.... either way good luck!


    *Grace gathers up the women...*

    Brave or stupid? Well Dust, you are pretty smart, but that was pretty stupid there!

  6. I just read parts of this topic (mainly the first parts)...

    AHHHHH! What is wrong with people my age! AHHHH! I need my chaos shield. This is a bunch of shit. I can't belive young people (well hell, my age) have to f*&% everything up for the rest of us.

    If only the world would have a "stupid people filter", we'd be all set. :roll:

    This is so unbelieveable... Let's beat the dead horse with the stick again! Just keep on beating! We all have figured out that the best place for us "youngins" isn't in EMS. I KNOW that! I went against it, and you know what? I shouldn't have. Look at me, I'm a freaking nut case. Use me as an example... NO person... let me say one more time... NO person my age should be a paramedic! Maybe an EMT, yeah, but heck, a PARAMEDIC? Dear God... even an EMT sometimes... I have a senior EMT on calls at my volly station, but geeez, still, I wonder if I was a little early for starting this stuff.

    People my age come from the generation of "no respect". I know people my age are the most disrespectful people to the older EMS crowd... but anyway... Some of us do respect your opinions on "kids" being in EMS, even though we are here.

    That was a pointless rant, but heck, its late for me, and this topic bothers the h-e-double hockey sticks out of me because we all know that the older people are right when they say we shouldn't be here. *claps hands for "seniors". Did any of that even make sense?


  7. I can agree with you on the part of your topic description about "stupid people". "Civilian firefighters.." thats a good term, will you sue me if I use it? Hehe.

    We had our annual "Daytona 500 Racing Party" at the fire department today. I was left in charge of four stations, in which I had two people to "help" me. Well, wouldn't you know that I got stuck with the most retarded person in the world. I'm not kidding you, this kid can't count, he can't read, can't follow directions repeated to him five times... I'm sure you get the picture. He just doesn't stinkin' listen. ](*,)

    Oh did I mention, he's not a firefighter either? Civilian firefighter fits the description. :D

    Anyway, enough about my "stupid people" experience of the day.

    Great story by the way... sounds like you had a "real interesting time"... You should think about writing a book or something lol.

  8. Uh oh, didn't I start the "Should There Be an Age Limit" for EMTs topic? LOL That was a disaster! We'll have to monitor this one.... hehehe.

    If you all don't remember, I bet that topic is locked. Hmmm.

    Then again, why am I in the ALS forum...?

  9. I like the Vicks idea. Definitely stealing that. I'd go on calls with one of our emts, and she can't smell, so she'd be laughing her butt off after the call because I was turning "green". Never puked on a call, but before practicals I did.

    Grace Grace Grace!

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