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Posts posted by medstudent30

  1. I leave the billing ting up to my employers......they got the billing department and I have absolutely nothing to do with it..... I do not want to know what goes on behind them doors cause they are basically none of my business........that is until my paycheck bounces.......... LOL.

  2. Ya know that a few years back that the federal government passed a law that in hospitals, doctors offices, ems, etc......had to go to a needleless system. Although we all know that Bush wont do it, maybe someone in office in the near future will try to make that happen.

  3. Well like I said, everyone is entitled to their opinion and choices. If you choose not to wear BSI then that is YOUR choice. Myself, however, I have children and a family to think of, and I am not going to bring home anything to them that I don't have to. So my choice is to wear the Nitrile Purple gloves, and that is the choice that I am sticking to.

  4. Well everyone is entitled to their opinion. I happen to have a latex 'sensitivty' so therefore I choose to wear the Nitrile gloves. But by the same token......I am not going without BSI. That is the choice I choose to make. But if I encounter a patient that looks at me funny for having BSI on I make it clear to them that it is for their protection as well as mine. How do you explain to a person that needs full C-Spine precautions when you go to collar them and backboard them??? You tell them its for PRECAUTIONARY MEASURES so that they give you permission to do so. So why not tell that to someone who is C/O CP or SOB? Or even on a basic transfer with a patient? What do ya do with someone who has MRSA of a wound, and when ya got the transfer dispatch did not inform you of the MRSA, (knowing you have a latex 'sensitivity') and you get to the floor and they do not have any latex free gloves? Should you go without BSI and take that risk to yourself and family? Or should you take a pair of gloves with ya?

  5. According to the way we were taught ACLS, the algorhythm is:

    Check for responsiveness

    ABC's, etc.


    Stacked set of 3 shocks

    Epi or Vasopressin










    Either 2nd dose of Amiodarone or Lidocaine




    Either 2nd dose of Lidocaine (if Applicable) or Mag Sulfate

    All with your pulse checks and Epi q 3-5 minutes

    by that time you may have been in your code for about 15-20 minutes if you have been then you can give your Sodium Bicarb at that time to possibly reverse the alkalotic/acidotic state that they may be in.

    But then again that is how we were taught. Everyone is different.

  6. Since I have just completed the ACLS standards for the first time, we were taught that you can use either or, but since your going to end up using Epi q 3-5 minutes, why not use Epi to begin with?

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