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Posts posted by Cookie

  1. I am going to weigh in on this subject playing the devils advocate so to speak. We don't know the whole story. We heard the daughters rant, and we heard the fathers reply. I had a daughter who was and still is the drama queen. She thought and told people I was a slave driver, we did not have internet till she was in college, so social media was not the problem. She was required to pick up her clothes and make her bed and don't leave dishes and glasses sitting all around the house. A simple request to bring the dirty clothes to the hamper so I could do laundry on my day off resulted in a long drawn out tirade which touched on every subject matter possible. The day came when I finally got tired of her tirade and she did not have any clean clothes to wear. A lesson learned, but hey, like MongoMedic said they don't come with manuals. It sad that he chose to use social media to respond to his daughter's vent. Personally this probably made the daughter even more angry and solved nothing. This father and daughter need face to face time without the interference of social media maybe with a counselor, mediator or someone who can be objective.

    A side note here, my daughter is in her thirties with children of her own, I hear often how she askes her 10 year old daughter to pick up her clothes and keep her room clean and how she gets this drama about having to do everything! I just sit and smile and think payback time is so sweet! It surely is.

    Cookie, mother to two, grandmother of three and one on the way. Actually three children, only the one is 61 and he still after 40 years cannot seem to find the kitchen sink for his coffee cup, he does make the bed and put his clothes in the hamper though.

  2. When I did my clinical time, I got right in with the first patient through the doors. I first introduced myself or the nurse introduced me and went from there. No one had to ask me to take vitals, assist the patient in any way possible , asking all the pertinent questions as to why they were there. I cleaned wounds, bandaged people up, accompanying patient to x-ray, and assisted the nurse or Dr. any way I could. I also cleaned up the room and sanitized the cot without being asked. Then went on to the next patient, trying to get as many patient contacts as possible. I worked my buns off and did it as professionally as I could.

    The one thing that did make me very angry was another student. He would walk in the exam area/room, walk out and resumed his leaning stance against the desk in the ER. When the patient report was done he simply copied it, that was his way of documenting patient contacts. Don’t be that student. That student was in the same group as my class was when it came time to do practical’s. He failed miserably.

    Get as much rest or a good nights sleep as possible. Be clean and neatly dressed. Your whole demeanor will be a reflection of the hospital or ambulance service, and your school. Do them proud. Good Luck

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  3. Uh oh..sounds like someone is pissed that the last crew didn't clean out their unit after shift....


    I agree with Dwayne, but seriously do you want to continue with this even though your Captian said it was not a violation? Don't know what your trying to prove but actions such as this is not the way to make friends and influence enemies..

  4. I agree it's a lot easier to go for the pulse then compressions, but when you have been doing it one way for 25 years, it is not an immediate change of mind set. There are other things they changed besides that. Most of them I think are for the better and easier to grasp for the lay person as well.

  5. I absolutely hate the following, one has been around a while and I did not like it the first time I heard it.

    Duh or No duh

    My Bad

    One of my co workers constantly abbreviated words, the one she used about a week out of the year was "have you have your eval yet." Eval was Evaluation.

  6. I have been catching up on my reading during my nearly six month hiatus during our flood. I thought this was a good video. I have always done something of the sort suggested in this video, since we are a small rural provider we know many of our patients personally, but even the ones we don't know we always take that extra little bit of time to ask if there is anything else we can do, or even make that phone call to a loved one. Many times we have gone the extra mile in helping out a patient, we did not have to we just did it because that is the type of people we are. I wonder how many do or don't?


  7. Just some that I watch on a regular basis.


    Deadliest Catch

    First 48

    Mystery Diagnosis

    Person of Interest

    Sons of Guns

    Ghost Hunters

    Ice Road Truckers

    Antiques Roadshow

    Extreme Home Makeover

    Holmes on Holmes or Holmes Inspection

  8. I totally agree with the above posts. Don't apologize. If he knows he can rattle your cage, he will continue to do so. If he is berating you in front of patients and families, ignore him, it is never the time and place to have that discussion. I had that problem once and once only. I flat told him after all was said and done that he has no right to talk to me in the way that he did and I was not going to put up with it. End of discussion. Never happened again.

  9. I would suggest you review how you study, what your studying and enviroment you study in. Are you studying in an enviroment with a lot of distractions? Do you just glance over the materiel or seriously go back and re read/review the text. Don't over think the questions. ABC's first. Attitude, regardless what this test is, minimun standards whatever, what is your attitude? Do you feel you know absolutely everything and this test is a joke. Or do you feel you were educated and learned the basics of emergency care? If you have been given all the study aids available and given it a serious shot and you have failed twice and the third time is not looking good, EMS is not for you.

    Good Luck

  10. I use the back of my hand or the inside of my wrist. Because of age, occupation other than Emt, my fingers are not as sensative to hot or cold as others are. Way back when the babies were born I was told to check their bottles on the inside of my wrist and the bath water either back of the hand or inside of the wrist, these places are the most sensative to temp variations by the nurses and others. Just saying this is what I do.

  11. Our barf bags are a large embroidery hoop with a garbage bag attached. Back in the 80's our Medical Director bought mast pants for all of the ambulances in the county, with the condition if we ever saw a nurse or doctor start to cut them off, beat the devil out of them!

  12. For those who have been in EMS a while my question is: Have you seen things that you learned or did in the past fall by the wayside for new and improved? During a short informative class last night they have brought back the Montana Horse Collar or Roll. For some who don't know what this is, in the past we rolled up a heavy blanket put it around the neck crossed over the ends in front, underneath the arms, and we would use it to pull someone out of a vehicle onto a LSB while keeping the c spine inline. It fell by the wayside for c-collars, head blocks etc.

  13. Back in the day of dark ages we had to transport them because the only person who could determine death, unless it was obvious like decapitation was the Dr. That was also pre Zoll's or any of the monitors we have now. Today we are fortunate to have the medics that can pronounce death. We do have to realize that there are some EMS organizations that are still operating in those dark ages and thats too bad.

  14. I'm told that in the military, numerous cooks are referred to as "Cookie".

    On cattle drives the guy who drove the chuck wagon was also the cook and called Cookie, and I will assure you I am not that old!

    From the early days of "Spark Gap" radios, especially in Maritime and Naval activities, Sparks or Sparky is the nickname of any shipboard radio operator.

    I remember my dad being called Sparky by some of his Navy buddies, he was a raido man when he served in WW II and Korea.

  15. My screen name is two fold. One is the name I was known by in my former job, I was a short order cook, hense the customers called me cookie. Second I had a beloved cat named Cookie. She was almost 20 when she crossed over. I was not real creative when I picked a name. But that name has stuck with me.

  16. On Tuesday of this week we pulled up stakes so to speak in the park and brought the camper/trailer home. However we cannot live in the house yet. We parked the camper in the back yard. Started moving the farm equipment back and getting ready for harvesting what few crops we have left. I am working in the house, cleaning one room at a time. We only had 3 feet of water in the basement and that was basic seep water, not flood water, however it's just as stinky and nasty as flood water. The basement has to be cleaned out yet. I cannot do it, but husband and brother in law and son will do that, harvest comes first in this part of the world.

    We spent 128 days in a park campground, exactly 4 months and five days, but who's counting! We were flooded out by actions or non actions of the Corps of engineers, flooded out again by the railroad. The water had receeded out of town and things were drying up. The railroad started in fixing the railroad rails and bed that was damaged during the flood. They go in replace the washed out bed, replace damaged rails and go on. Only what they did was block the natural flow of water, in doing so backed water right back into town, as bad as the origional flood. The only people who can tell the railroad what to do is the federal government. It took telephone calls from two congressmen and one senator, a govenor and the county to get them to stop repairs and go back and put tubes in to set the water flow.

    All in all I am home and glad to be here. I have tenative plans to return to the park next year if the corps don't get the levee repaired like they say they are going to do and if they release as much water as they did this year. I just cannot take 160,000 cubic feet a second flowing over the cornfields!

  17. I am so very sorry to hear of your loss. My deepest sympathy to you and your family. Your right and I say this all the time, forget what happened in the past, tell people you love them.

  18. I am a volunteer basic. There are no paid emt's in this area, that I know of, at least in this corner of the state. Why am I not working, my job is under water about 5 to six feet of it. I am getting unemployment and plan to go back to work when the water goes down and the reapairs to the building made and the highway's repaired. I just work to supplement the farm income. That went as well as the crops when the flood hit.


  19. There is a Fremont County Iowa Flood Support Page on facebook. I am unable at present to copy and paste the link. Click on any of the pictures and you will get a view of what it looks like, that is if you want to see homes, farmland and highways under water or devastation. I get to clean the place every day in part we have a 11 month old and 10 year old granddaughters living here along with their parents. I do the cooking and rotate who does dishes and laundry. None of the 10 families here sleep very well at night so I am not alone in that. All of us walk every day and part in part of us living here for free we donate our time to mowing the grass and cleaning. Also our fire/rescue department was made part of the local fire/rescue near here and we being non working individuals and available are taking over their calls when local personnel are unavailable, including transfers from the local community hospital to Omaha or Council Bluffs. I am bored because I am use to working 8 hours a day 40 hours a week every week and to suddenly not have that! I have started crocheting after thirty years. Also I am trying with my friend to work on another book, but this wireless card and connection I have here at camp is incredibily slow. We all get together about once a week and talk and listen to all the rumors that abound and get a good laugh over it. We are keeping a sense of humor and work to try and keep the children in a sense of normalacy as much as possible. Making new friends too boot. Yes there are days where we do not care to associate with anyone and we get thru it. I have found out that I can relax just watching the hummingbirds fight over the feeder I put up and shut off the i phone and pager. I figure I have lost about ten pounds which is great I could loose more, so I can work on that as well.

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