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  1. I hear ya on the price issue but it would be nice to have it standard program. Field guide would be nice.
  2. Looking for software that is formatted like a run sheet like: name, address etc etc. anyone come across this. This is my reason for this. I am a Law Enforcement Officer and also an EMT i work off of a Boston whaler patrol Boat. I have a rugged PDA thats water proof for my GPS. All my paper work gets wet all the time, its hard to keep it dry even when i have it stored. The PDA comes in handy but i just type the info from accidents and such on the note pad in the PDA and store it on the SD card then print it off and complete the report at the Office. There has to be something out there like a run sheet that is generic in form that i could use. Anyone care to point me in the right direction? Thanks in advance.
  3. I am not a religious person and i do not believe in some realigions. And i hate discussing it with people i do not know but as far as saying a prayer with a patient i will not do that. If they want to say a prayer i will not say anything during there "prayer time" if time allots.
  4. This is a good topic. As for how much it changed me it has changed me greatly. If i had a chance to go back in time i would have. I have been an EMT for 14 years taking the class at age 15 years old and actually certificate in hand at 16 years old. I volunteered for a the whole 14 years with the occasional paid transports. The first 4 years of my certification i ran, First out ambulance and rescue, over 400 to 500 calls a year and burned myself out at an early age. I suffered from depression and had to get help. I am a cold hearted S.O.B. to life and people. I have had relationships that suffered and my current relationship suffers on and off from it, but i have to try 3x as hard to try to keep upbeat about things. I have had young adults come up to me wanting to be EMT's or first responders, I don't tell them not to but i give it to them straight and wish them luck on what they do. But if i could change my life i would never have gotten into this field. Yes i learned a lot and a lot of valuable lessons but not enough to compensate for the misery. So those are my thoughts of how EMS changed my life! happy happy joy joy! now damnit pass the happy pills.
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