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Posts posted by firespec35

  1. Are you working as part of an established company, are you starting a company, or is this just you and friends. Also what are we talking about here? month long event peaks my interest too. What kind of setup is there. Natural barriers? erected barriers. If you'd like to email me at firespec35@aol.com I work for a special events EMS and have been a supervisor at large events. I will help you any way possible

  2. OK here's where the questions come in. First as discussed somwhere on here before No township actually has to provide ambulance service. But it seems like you are talking more to the first response end because an MFR crew can't transport someone to the hospital. There is no law that says the closest FD must be sent to you. That is done buy jurisdiction and if you are in that unfortunate corner of your township where you are closer to the neighboring FD, sorry 'bout your luck. I would check to see if they have actual response areas or what.

  3. Was he an adult?

    Was he fully alert and oriented?

    Did he refuse?

    Was he explained the possible consequences of refusing?

    Sign here please

    Oh yeah dude who saw whole thing sign here please

    He doesn't want to be boarded he don't have to be. He wants to be parylized or really hurt, just document your ass off and you'll be OK

  4. Yeah crowds are fun, that's why we try and pull people to the side if we can. If not you do your thing right there and security watches your back. I'm really hoping for rain this year. Last year it was like 90 and full out sun.

  5. OK this is a curiosity one. I've see a lot of levels here I've never seen anywhere else and I was just wondering how your state, province, or whatever semilocal governmental agency you practice under does. Mine is

    EMT-B- Basic stuff, AED, combitube, epi pen

    EMT-S All the Basic stuff plus IV, and Intubation

    EMT-P All the EMT-S stuff plus Cardiac monitor/ Manual Defib/ 12 lead, Full box of drugs

    Now that leads us to Ambulance levels

    BLS- 2 basics or higher

    LALS- Depending on the county 1 EMT, 1 EMTS or higher

    ALS- Really depends on the county some are 1 EMT, 1 EMT-P some have to have EMTS/EMTP and some need 2 medics

    My understanding is that this is pretty standard but some of you have other stuff so whats up in your neck of the woods

  6. OH MY GOD!!!! That had to be the most impossible test I''ve ever took. I laughed at MI's EMT-S written 10 years ago when they had a 15% pass ratio. I walked out of there knowing I aced it, but this Medic CBT, I was about ready to cry when I walked out. Trust me that's a sight to see a 6'3" 450# man ready to cry. I was pissed off all night and the next morning. I helped a friend move that night and I was glad that he was tossing most of his furniture cause I took most of my aggressions out on it. I get to work the next morning. I keep looking at the computer and say "Oh what the hell" and Log onto NR's website. I check my app. status and holy s$%t it says congratulations you passed the cognitive portion of the application process or something like that. I lost it, I had to call someone else over to make sure it said what it said. Oh hell yeah I passed and my results were available in 13 hours.

    As far as the test goes, I studied a lot. I had my wife quizzing me on old test questions wherever we went in the car. After the test I didn't feel like I was unprepared, it was the multiple right answers with which one is best that killed my confidence.

    As far as advice goes. Study and know the stupid stuff you will never need on the road, just relax it will come to you if you know it, as far as not tightening up on the test once a question is gone, let it go and move on, Good Luck to you, On to the practical for me

  7. Just wondering if anyone if anyone her has already or will be covering warped tour this year. The company I work for has had it all the years in existance except the years it played the silverdome. It is good times and the medic they have on tour is really cool (can't remember her name) and they seem to support the medical end of things really well. Last year was fun. We worked hard we treated a lot of people, of course it was crazy hot and they played on a blacktop parking lot. I'm not complaining, I look forward to the date. July 27th is ours here in Det.

  8. i don't blame you... i know people that work for them. most are great people... but some.. ehhhhhhhhhhh

    I wan't disparaging thier staff. Trust me even with my gig being strictly medical, EMT's, medics, nurses and docs, we still have our people that are "special" We help out if there is a problem but we don't get stuck somewhere for the entire show taking tickets or watching a door. Actually the house staff really can't direct us too much. We cooperate in the spirit of customer service if they have a problem. I've done everything but bartend at my regular venue, I just would hate to get stuck on a crappy post for the whole gig. 8)

  9. Emt-S is EMT- Specialist. I hear it is akin to EMT-I in the NR world. We can do Iv's, and intubation. Normally we would run on an ALS unit with a medic but there are LALS units too (2 EMT-S) but not too often. Essentially it's a dinosaur license. I got my EMT and EMT-S in MI before NREMT came in. Oh well that is all gonna change as soon as I pass MY NR for Medic.

  10. OK here's a little background so you understand. I got my EMT at 19, My EMT-S shortly after, and worked for a couple of years pvt EMS mostly in Wheeled Coach type II's. Well I took a job about 9 years ago to do Security/ Fire and EMS at one of the Big 3's proving grounds. so I left the ambulance life. This year I go back for my medic. I end up doing clinicals at my old company in new rigs. OMG are they tiny now. It seems like they are about 6" skinnier (Left to right) and at least a foor shorter (front to back). I remember having a somewhat decent aisle for your feet while sitting on the bench. Yeah my feet go past the stretcher wheels at least 4-6" now and forget about sitting in the jump seat there is about 3" foot room before the stretcher.

    Also granted I used the 2 man stretcher but it seems like the stretchers are all the way on the floor now too.

    Sorry yall but WTF happened to my trucks.

  11. Ok here's my take

    Leave an option for no safety toe. Sorry I've been doing EMS 11 years and do not see a need for safety toe. You want it? cool if not? cool too.

    As far as dress shoes go, I don't think so. I wore boots to my wedding. They can be shined properly. Personally I'm a fan of a 4" to 6" boot but if you want 8's sure why not. I don't think that 10" or higher belong in EMS except where there is a physiological need (some people actually need that level of support.)

    I do not like all leather boots either. I like having the ventilation of the nylon/ whatever they are panels.

    Bloodborne pathogen protection is a plus depending on how it's done. I have a pair of Leather BBP protected gloves and all that is is a plastic liner between the leather and the liner. Granted it makes the gloves reallllly warm but that may not be so good in boots.

    They need to accommodate wide widths.

  12. OK just a medic student here but if it is a "Vagus nerve stimulator" It leads me to think that it is more of a pharm issue for the simple fact of when you stimulate the vagus nerve it should drop your pulse and BP. She was at 140/80 and 112. Now I have no experience with the device but when you perform a vagal manuver isn't that the same as stimulating the vagus nerve?

  13. OK I read the first few posts and then decided to post cause I'm sure of what's in the middle (I've been through a few of these discussions before) #1 the constitution givs us the right to keep and bear arms, it's unequivocal it's there don't argue the point. Where we have problems comes into the concealed phase (Yes I think it is unconstitutional to ban open carry but I'm just an EMT-S not a supreme court arguing lawyer) I think we are up to 44 or 46 states that have some sort of shall issue permit for CCW obviously NY and Cali will never fall in line on this one.

    I live in a suburban area and I do not expect the police to save me. It's too big of an area with to few police officers. I love them to death they are all great guys they just have a lot to do. But if you move into the city you're worse off because they have longer response times there then they do out by me. Bottom line don't count on anyone else for your safety

    I have a right to protect myself and my family with deadly force if nessecary. and I will use that right if I have to

    I also feel initial training and ongoing training need to be part of the CCW process hell we need CE's to keep our medical licenses why not for a CCW and not just the laws and hit a pistol target at 7 yards on a nice range. I feel some IDPA style ranges should be used along with maybe some Hand to hand combat under the guise of weapons retention. I feel people should know what to do if they find themselves on the ground with a BG grabbing for their gun. I feel that we should be able to secure long guns in our vehicle for the SHTF type scenario. A pistol is not a true fighting weapon it should be used to get to the long gun.

    To our Icelandic brother, I'm glad your country is the way it is. I'm sad we have to be this way but we do. I'm not going to let the criminals win and if I just leave it to law enforcement they will.

  14. I'll throw a different spin on things. I work for a special events EMS company and we wear badges on our uniforms for the dressier events (Auto Show, that sort of stuff) but we also wear ties and epaulet covers (God I HATE those!!!) but we also work some events plainclothes so we aren't as high profile. I have a generic EMT badge on a carrier and chain that I will put on if I have to treat someone but as soon as I'm done it is put away. I thought about getting one made like our dress badges because they won't permanently issue badges but then I thought that $40 would be better spent on something else.

  15. ok, so what the hell do you do that is so dangerous to your shins?

    I think I'd like to hear this one.

    Right now I'm wearing Converse 4" boots. Not bad I wouldnt recommend them for reallly wide feet tho as my Left boot sometimes has a weird feeling like a band running under my foot at the arch is smaller in width to the rest of the boot. Ive worn Hi tec's, Bates, Thorogood's, and the 19.99 specials. I seem to like the con's best so far even with the feeling on the arch.

  16. OK I can see this lift system being all well and good for bariatric patients but to use it all the time for every patient seems like overkill. Just learn how to lift. How many here remember 2 man stretchers. For those that are going "Huh" it was the original stretcher. You put your patient on it, brought your patient to the ambulance, The two of you lowered the stretcher to the lowest position and then the both of you lifted the whole thing into the ambulance. Now most shouldn't do this but I had an awesome partner. We could go 400 by ourselves without a lift assist.

    Now before you all start screaming the risk is too much yadda yadda yadda. It's not that I advocate all of us going back to those. I just think lifting is a lost art in our business.

  17. I'm doing my paramedic clinicals in one of the ER's highlighted in the article. It doesnt work. They are at about 20% on getting EKG's done in 10 minutes. They really don't have the staffing to do it. There are times us students have to operate as techs to help them out. I don't mind I really love the staff there and I am happy to help them out but I hear them talking and It's not good.

  18. Not sure what they have now but Oakwood main in Dearborn MI had a system like this when I was on the road. YOu would call your report then as you walked in you would have a monitor showing the pt status board and where it normally showed pt name next to the bed # would be the unit number. Granted this is all pre HIPPAA so like I said I don't know what they have now

  19. I've worked for a company that does standby's as our only business as an EMT/ EMT-S for the last 11 years. I've been around the company since I was 13 (29 now). Whether TDH is right or not you have to look at something else. You have no medical direction. You are providing BLS level service, correct? So you backboard people, give O2 ect...., When you get end up in court, and yes it's a sad eventuality in this proffession most of us will end up in court at one time or another. The opposing lawyer will have a field day with this. Do you have protocols? are they your own or the local med control's policy. What is your reporting. Do you use a local med control form or your own. If you use your own who approved it? For me too many holes that could end up in me on the witness stand. Don't fight the power it's not worth it. Just get licensed and all will be well.

  20. My first call was pretty cool. I was working with my dad on a BLS unit covering the Detroit Hydroplane races. We got a call to Belle Isle (Kinda Detroit's version of central park but smaller and on an island) for a 7 y/o that fell down. He ended up having a silverfork fx. So I splinted him and sling and swathed him. My dad drove, I teched and to childrens we went.

    2nd call was pretty cool too (it was pedi day) We got pulled to our crew that was working at Chene park (outdoor theatre on the river) for a 5 y/o with a 15 foot fall onto cement. By the time we got there the crew had the kid backboarded and I got to ride with a screaming kid back to Childrens

  21. AMR just left MI because they couldn't make any money here but, my dad was an employee. Usually they are union, but I doubt they will go onto the state retirement system. My dad had 401k. Just remember they are a for profit pvt. service and any decisions they make will be based on that. I guarantee they are only bidding on the 911 contract for the exposure to the transfer side of things or something close to that. Usually you can't make money on an urban 911 contract.

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