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Code 8 Paramedic

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Posts posted by Code 8 Paramedic

  1. ok... get over yourself... standards for training are different all over the country, so are their scopes of practice... and if the OR's wouldnt let you have OR time, you wouldnt have the tubes either, but you make it work.

    I guess since I only had to do 10 OR tubes I shouldnt even know what RSI is... Seriously, people can have a conversation about RSI... but dont worry... I wont touch the sucs until you say its ok!

  2. We needed 10 intubations, combined between OR and Ride time... everyone got theirs durning OR time but we had ridetime as a back up.. We had a rough time with the OR because they didnt want us there. I had one CRNA tell me "your not f*cking doing my tubes!" We got 1 day a week for 4 weeks in the OR and that was IT, once the month was done, the OR didnt want us back. Thats why we had ride time to fall back on.

    As far as the proving you can intubate, you needed at least one successful tube before you can get cut loose.

  3. thanks for the link ill check that thread out.

    we had to do 10 live intubations in the OR/ride time

    currently we dont have any standards for how many intubations you have to do durning precepting, you just need to prove you can.

    and we have no requirement for how many tubes you need a year. (personaly i think we need one, and more CE with doing live intubations)

    Now we dont have RSI, but it was just something we talked about during that CME. And how even non-assisted intubations were comming under fire from reports across the country

  4. hmmm yeah what you said... my understanding... for what its worth, is this in regards to lidocaine, by suppressing the sodium channels, conduction is slowed, as well as the possibility for irritable cells... you hope to slow down the conduction in V-tach so that the SA node can take over. and then further suppress irritable cells

  5. I voted Yes.. but only with the extra training.. and while working with a paramedic! Im a new medic, but one thing Ive noticed is that its easier to run the code, when the people around you are allowed to do more skills... If the EMT im with can pop in the IO while im intubating, or setting up my monitor, its time saved. I do not think that 2 EMTs should be popping in IO's and LMA's and trying to run a code by themselves. Just my 2 cents

  6. We have phenergan on standing orders for any kind of nausea, or vomiting. But a few miles south of me where the protocols change, they have to give phenergan with benadryl just incase the patient might have a dystonic reaction... talk about a sedated patient!

  7. Well mine is alot like the others, but in Hartford, CT we got










    Mag Sulfate


    Sodium Bircarb






    NTG SL

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