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  1. Hey, new here. My first loss that affected me was pretty recent. Before that one in particular, I just hid behind it, thinking of it as another learning experience. I was on a rotation for school and we responded to a car accident. Family of 3 T-Boned by a drunk driver. Mom and Dad were okay, just some scratches and bruising (very lucky considering the damage to the vehicle). Their 6 y/o daughter was in the back seat. She had extensive head trauma and was gone within 10 mins. of being on the scene. The drunk driver walked away without even so much as a scratch. It totally tore me up that someone like that had to die because some other jerk had too many to drink that night. Some of the experienced medics I've talked to have said to just put it out of my mind and let it go. I know I shouldn't dwell on it, but I don't want to become that non chalant about another human being dying. For some reason she really got to me. I've seen other people die, but I guess considering the circumstances, it just seemed so unfair. I've talked to other people since then, and I realized everyone has their own way of dealing with this. Death is a big part of this job, but so much good comes from what we do, I like to think it all has a balance.
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