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Posts posted by Awolfa

  1. I am accually looking to try this in our protocols. I think this route would be helpful in pedi cases plus those od pts that are either combative (Narcan) or one of our constant siezure pts that will rip out your iv and throw his blood arms all around when he wakes up. Anyone know where I can find more info on this so I can go to med control more prepared?? Thx

  2. After reading 9 pages of these wonderful tales I have to contribute my Best 3 moments in Public service.....

    1. Me and a fellow firefighter were studying for our nr paramedic exam when the pagers hit for a gsw right down the road. (We are both paid members of a combination department so we still respond off duty to help) Ready for a study break we jump in my truck and go flying down to the house. The pt was obiously doa 12 in the mouth exiting the back of head you get the idea. Anyway we get on the radio and slow everyone down get the police enroute. We are consoling the family and mom heard the shot. She keeps saying I cant get the sound out of my head......Well my partner has a nextel phone that you can download the sound of a .50 caliber firing.....and of course he gets a call. He had to leave the house and yes he has a new ring tone.

    2. We have a gentleman with the last name of Head. One day he was dropping a truck off at a unmanned station. I get on the radio and and ask the rescue truck to go by station 4 and get head real quick...COPY THAT RESCUE ENROUTE very enthusastically ......It was in the middle of a training meeting we had to take a 30 min break for everyone to calm down I use unit numbers at all times now

    3. My very first pt as a paramedic was a killer. Had a med hx 2 miles long. Abd abscess that needed to be drained every 2 days (he waited 8 days for it this time) Was complaing of SOB and his abd was so distended it was lapping up and over his rib cage. The road was so rough the monitor was full of artifact. Anyway here I am pt is coa x3 gcs x15 we are about 2 mins out. He states my chest just stared to hurt and his eyes roll. (This is from my partner) I start with sir......sir.....SIR....SIR!!!!!! (He said it was a pleading voice) Stand up do a combo sternal rub/pericardial thump and yell out to my partner Son Of A B**ch HE JUST CODED ON ME DAMNIT...I shocked him and he went into asytole. Started CPR all this happened in less than 2 mins. When we get in the er parking area I am waiting for my partner ( A 12 year vet Paramedic) Doing cpr trying to think should I intubate before we bring him in and he opens the back doors and says hang in there I got some guys on the way to help!!!!! The er did get the pt back but the next shift I had an od and I started calling the pts name trying to keep him away and my partner yells back "You start calling him sir Im comming back there" I have never lived that run down.

    Hope these weren't too long but had to put the top 3 in thanks for the lighter side of the job

  3. I am a new paramedic (6 months) and I my first sets of shifts I was ready willing and gunning to push my first drugs ect. (Funny thing is my very 1st pt as a paramedic coded on me 1min from the er defib and cpr didnt even get to intubate :x :x) I finally got the good chest pain call. Hx of MI elevated bp, pain rated at a 10 non reproducable, diaphoretic, and had "the look" O2 ASA and nitro x2 given with no change. 12 lead showed elevation (cant remeber which leads) had orders for 2-4 MS and nitro prn. Had another paramedic in the back get the IV while I drew up my very first narc as a paramedic. Right when I was ready pt began having seziures and an ALOC. Sat back thought about it and decided to hold off. Called the er and informed them of change Dr said its your choice on the ms otherwise just x-port. I held off and contiunued x-port. Pt ended up being admited and because pt was out of town never was able to follow up. But I know how bad that temptation was to push it because I was/am still new and want to play..

  4. We tried a type of tourniquet that you put on slightly below the elbow and you would roll it down towards the hand. I would work in some cases but the size of the pt was a big factor plus they had a bad habit of breaking. ( not a good thing when you have just inserted the needle). For the cost it was just as effective to use a standard tourniquet. I know this is a little off your question but just putting in my 2 cents. :lol::)

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