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Everything posted by stever

  1. Yep, we carry the pre-loads of amio. At my old service we had pre-loads of benadryl . . . not sure why.
  2. We carry amio in 150 mg pre-filled syringes. I'll do a SIVP, over mixing it in a 100 cc bag.
  3. I would have to agree with the other posters. Not always, especially if it's a pt with a chronic respiratory problem like ashtma or COPD. But absolutely for new-onset, acute respiratory problems. Capnography is an absolute must though, it's a great tool. stever
  4. You could become a PA, that's a master's level program in my state.
  5. BS in Paramedics I think Oregon has the right idea requiring AA degrees for their medics. I think increasing educational standards will have to start at state level first, then go national.
  6. I got lasik and I haven't had to worry about it since. Mine was a little spendy, but well worth it. Stever
  7. Glad I did a search before posting my question. This is a great thread. We had a burn pt at my service this weekend, though not mine, I always like to arm chair good calls. Obviously it's important to be aggressive with airway management, but I'm curious what you all would use to paralyze. My first thought would be to use 1/10 the dose of vec instead of sux, for de-fasciculation, but K+ shift is probably a good reason too. Thoughts? How would you RSI a burn pt? BTW - we carry etomidate, versed, suxs, vec . . .
  8. Sorry, it was a Combivent.
  9. Had an interesting call the other day, curious what you guys would have done. 25 yo m presented with severe chest px following 25-35 hits off his MDI. PMHx of asthma, multiple suicide attempts, bi-polar (stated he took his other meds as prescribed). Initial vitals: 150's systolic, HR: 140's, sat-ing okay, all other exam unremarkable. Got him in the rig, o2, iv, monitor (sinus tach without ectopy or ST elevation). Go en route, pt c/o dizziness, light-headedness, vitals: HR 170's, BP: 100 systolic, still sinus w/o ectopy. Started a fluid bolus, then arrived at the ED. My question (new medic here). Would you have done anything pharmacologically. And, I know albuterol / atrovent has some side effects, but how far could this have gone? PVC's? Coded? Have you seen this before? stever
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