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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/06/2011 in Posts

  1. Took over from another crew and they left this ecg lieing around. Any thoughts on what's going on here. Just plain 12 lead reading. trying to improve on my reading.
    1 point
  2. It seems like this pt is having some sort of GI bleed, of which is causing him to be anemic. This would cause his shortness of breath, as well as St segment elevations, even precipitating an MI. He is on coumadin, he is not tachy probably because of his B blockers, an his urine is dark. Would not be inclined to think that the dark urine is myoglobin, (nothing in hx to point to that). His pressure is up, most likely because he is compensating, although, his pulse pressure might be narrowing. This could be because of cardiac disease, or blood loss. One would keep an eye on his pulse pressure enroute. I would placed two lines, and give high flow 02. I would probably hold the ASA on this one, but would confer with med command just to make sure. Hope this helps.
    1 point
  3. Not gonna get into the discusion of which is better because thats not what the original questions asked and you'll never get a solid answer on that, they are different drugs and both have their pros and cons. Cost though according to our pharmacy that we replace our drugs at is as follow: Fentanyl Inj 100mcg/2ml - $0.28 Mophine 2mg/ml carpuject - $0.89 Mophine 4mg/ml carpuject - $0.92 Mophine 10mg/ml carpuject - $0.91 Hope this helps. Let us know the outcome.
    1 point
  4. http://www.lifecor.com/ http://www.lifecor.com/faqs/faq_list.asp Ask them questions... However, IMO, you're deeply over analyzing the product. I'd say if they're wearing one, they probably shouldn't be swimming. http://www.lifecor.com/contact.asp
    1 point
  5. Im sick of you telling me to fix my grammar and spelling, i do use spell check. Has it ever came to you that i might have a learning disability and no matter how hard i try to work on it i still get stuff wrong, do you know how much crap i have had to put up with from people like you. Its called neurofibromatoses (NF) next time you try to be a prick just think for one second something may be wrong here, you are the only person to point my mistake out other just went along with it and got what i was saying
    0 points
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