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Learning Meds...

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The best way to understand meds is to understand anatomy and physiology, with the nervous system being the biggest key to the puzzle. When you know the way the human body works, the meds will make more sense. For example, epi is a sympathomimetic medication. So if you know the sympathetic nervous system, you should be able to understand what epi would do and the side effects. That leaves you far fewer pieces of information to simply commit to memory (dose, contraindications, indications). Besides, if you don't understand how the drug is going to work then you shouldn't be giving it to begin with.



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I was going to recommend this site http://www.studystack.com/category-2 but see disclaimer

Disregard - that site has too many misspelled words and gross errors on history and other items that I cannot recommend that site.

you can still go to the site and look at the items but I would not entrust it with your grades. It's good for general knowledge

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Flash cards related to complaint and application.

Time proven, most reliable method. The suggestion to have your anatomy and physiology squared away is also a great one.

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well after reviewing study stack's other non-medical offerings I have found that there are so many spelling errors in their flash cards that I would use it only as a review tool. If I wanted to learn something I would not use them as my only resource.

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Thanks for the tips guys. Relating meds to the body and what they do for it and putting it all on flash cards does make things a lot easier. I had just got my list of meds and was a little overwhelmed at first. But now I'm good to go!

Great website site for reference as well!



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