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Future EMT in need of some Expert advice..HELP!!


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Dude, you're honestly not going to make much money at all working at this company and living on your own.

I graduated college in LA, then moved back home for one year to save up money (working a job that paid a lot more than this), and then moved back down to LA and it was still a huge hassle. Balancing your first move-out AND getting started in the job is ridiculous...you won't get a shift right away, just a few sporadic training shifts, then you wait for a permanent shift to open up, and your paying for all your extra county registrations/permits, and at first you won't have a stocked kitchen, so you eat out almost every shift, which kills you financially.

If you still want to do it, at least find a place/apartment, BEFORE you quit your current job...and do have some savings, because your first few paychecks are going to be in the low double or triple digits, most likely.

The BEST idea, though, honestly would be to go back to college and finish the degree, IF you're truly interested in being a FF. 90% of the people at the company you're applying for are FF hopefuls and many have been so for YEARS...even those with degrees!

But if you do decide to come on board, it'll be fun...just expect to be doing it for a while and have hard living for awhile. It's hard to balance FF courses, paramedic or paramedic prep courses, or college degrees while working...expecially financially.

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Anthony you hit the nail on the head -

Get your education - you can always fall back on education - you can't fall back on "I can't get a job mentality" and then move back in with mom and dad

The advice given is good. If you don't heed the advice then you have nobody else to blame except yourself. If you don't at least heed this advice and take it into consideration then you have no right to complain to anyone about your predicament which we have all seen before.

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