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Ohio Fire Chief May Give Firefighters, EMS Workers Guns


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By what criteria would you determine who the adrenaline junkies are?

Wouldn't we love to know the answer to that question?

Wait, the rest of us were talking about things possible within EMS, what the hell are YOU talking about?? :-)

The majority of the shooting cases that they mention, (the ambulances being shot), I'm not sure why they would be examples of reasons to carry a weapon, but can certainly see why they are examples of not carrying them. Would those crews have been better served to stop and return fire in those situations, or continue on, assholes and elbows, and get out of that situation?

There is not a single service that I've ever been exposed to, nor ever even heard of, where making this a policy accross the board would be realistic. And I'm confident that any service that tries will soon, within weeks, remove it as it will be misused...Craziness.

Plus, what about split priorities? Why are you there? How about public trust? Many are opposed to badges and dark uniforms for this same reason, but guns will somehow be appropriate?

Nah...this isn't going to happen in any way that I can see...and I'm glad for that..

I an going to have to think a little before I make an unclear post worse.

Edited by DFIB
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When I worked EMS in Detroit, another service would brag and laugh about pulling up behind cars that were observed with certain ethnic groups in them, and then "light 'em up" just to watch the occupants 'freak out' because of the flashing lights in their rearview mirrors and the sirens blaring....

Is THIS the kind of mentality that you'll want running around with loaded firearms on them? (That company had at least one ambulance that had 7 rounds from a shotgun blow through the patient compartment)

I've carried concealed for years (the only reason I'm not licensed in the state I'm currently in, is because I haven't been able to afford the licensing fees). I'm not saying that ALL of the people in EMS would behave in this manner, but as it's been said many times before: "you've got to gear this toward the lowest common denominator"

Like I said in my earlier post, I've seen too many cases of "The Blue Knight Syndrome" where a security officer gets his weapons card and suddenly thinks they're some sort of 'super cop' and can take on any and all 'bad guys'. EMS isn't about apprehension of criminals, nor does it include the use of deadly force in the day to day duties of the job. Not all can or will make that distinction. Our job is dangerous enough without the added dangers inherent with the carrying of firearms.

Additionally, there are so many in EMS that 'need' to have that shiny badge on their chest, as if it were some sort of talisman that will automatically make the general public bow and grovel at their feet with undying love, loyalty and ulitmate respect. Sorry kids, it just doesn't work that way. That shiny thing on the left chest of your uniform usually makes you look like a cop; and we KNOW how loved our local law enforcement officers are these days! On top of all that, that shiny badge (and possibly a firearm) isn't going to get your patients to want to open up to you about whatever they've done, taken or done to someone else (whether on purpose or by accident). It's only going to make your job that much more difficult because your patients are going to be less than forthcoming for fear that you (looking like a police officer) are going to arrest them.

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