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did a google search, and needed to be inspired> ended up on this forum reading old prank threads> wanted to contribute, but thread i was reading was old and locked> realized i already have an account on this forum, make new prank thread!


  • long bls tote and our patient is deaf. my driver plays the radio too loudly, even though he doesnt know the patient is deaf. i connect my fm transmitter to my phone and pull up some random internet porn. i then tune my fm transmitter to the ambulances current radio station, and bam, loud porn over the radio with a patient on board. driver freaks out, turns the radio off, turns the radio back on to a different radio station i wait a few minutes and then repeat. eventually he stopped listening to the radio. :D

  • circled a sleeping partners room with pots and pans with one cleaning alcohol wipe each (not the alcohol preps). lit all of them on fire very quickly. then the rest of us all started screaming fire to wake him up. (he was a new firefighter bragging how fire never scares him. he lied). and of course we kept the fire extinguisher handy.

  • we have light poles in front of our station, we pushed a coworkers car between the light pole and the station, then picked the car up and rotated it 90 degrees so it could not be drove out.

  • in the dead of winter, the night before the end of the shift, water their car for about 6 hours to encase it in ice.

  • shovel half a parking lot to the sides of a car.

  • leave cheap latex gloves laying around with some mayonnaise inside of them.

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