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Help with EMT Ambulance job interview questions

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I have an interview this friday Oct, 30, 2008. Can someone please tell me what questions to expect for EMT ambulance service interview, also is there anything in particular I should catch up on before the interview. I have been a volunteer now going on two years and think I am finally ready fro a paid position as well continue the volunteering of course. I really would appreciate your impute. Thank you

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Additionally, is this for an actual EMERGENCY Medical Service position, or with a non-emergency transfer provider? The questions and replies would vary with each. Not all EMT positions are created equal, and neither are all personnel managers. The more you know about the organisation, the easier it is to determine the best way to proceed.

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  • 2 weeks later...

well your interview date has passed, but in case another ems professional has the same question; most employers have moved away from yes and no questions, and moved towards questions that require you to prove your views or competence on an issue. Instead of "have you ever run 911 calls ?" you might hear, "tell me about the most critical 911 call you have ever run". Instead of "do you do well with difficult coworkers?", you might hear "tell me about a time when you had to deal with a difficult coworker and how you resolved the problem?". The best advice is to think about the questions you pray to god that they do not ask, and then come up with the best positive answer you can come up with.

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